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Lifetimes and references

In Mojo, lifetime has two meanings:

  • In general terms, a value's lifetime refers to the span of time when the value is valid.

  • It also refers to a specific type of parameter value used to help track the lifetimes of values and references to values. For clarity, we'll use lifetime in code font to refer to the type.

The Mojo compiler includes a lifetime checker, a compiler pass that analyzes dataflow through your program. It identifies when variables are valid and inserts destructor calls when a value's lifetime ends.

The Mojo compiler uses lifetime values to track the validity of references. Specifically, a lifetime value answers two questions:

  • What logical storage location "owns" this value?
  • Can the value be mutated using this reference?

For example, consider the following code:

fn print_str(s: String):

name = String("Joan")
fn print_str(s: String):

name = String("Joan")

The line name = String("Joan") declares a variable with an identifier (name) and logical storage space for a String value. When you pass name into the print_str() function, the function gets an immutable reference to the value. So both name and s refer to the same logical storage space, and have associated lifetime values that lets the Mojo compiler reason about them.

Most of the time, lifetime values are handled automatically by the compiler. However, in some cases you'll need to interact with lifetime values directly:

  • When working with references—specifically ref arguments and ref return values.

  • When working with types like Reference or Span which are parameterized on the lifetime of the data they refer to.

This section covers ref arguments and ref return values, which let functions take arguments and provide return values as references with parametric lifetimes.

Working with lifetimes

Mojo's lifetime values are unlike most other values in the language, because they're primitive values, not Mojo structs. Specifying a parameter that takes a lifetime value, you can't just say, l: Lifetime, because there's no Lifetime type. Likewise, because these values are mostly created by the compiler, you can't just create your own lifetime value—you usually need to derive a lifetime from an existing value.

Lifetime types

Mojo supplies a struct and a set of aliases that you can use to specify lifetime types. As the names suggest, the ImmutableLifetime and MutableLifetime aliases represent immutable and mutable lifetimes, respectively:

struct ImmutableRef[lifetime: ImmutableLifetime]:
struct ImmutableRef[lifetime: ImmutableLifetime]:

Or you can use the AnyLifetime struct to specify a lifetime with parametric mutability:

struct ParametricRef[
is_mutable: Bool,
lifetime: AnyLifetime[is_mutable].type
struct ParametricRef[
is_mutable: Bool,
lifetime: AnyLifetime[is_mutable].type

Note that AnyLifetime isn't a lifetime value, it's a helper for specifying a lifetime type. Lifetime types carry the mutability of a reference as a boolean parameter value, indicating whether the lifetime is mutable, immutable, or even with mutability depending on a parameter specified by the enclosing API.

The is_mutable parameter here is an infer-only parameter. It's never specified directly by the user, but always inferred from context. The lifetime value is often inferred, as well. For example, the following code creates a Reference to an existing value, but doesn't need to specify a lifetime—the lifetime is inferred from the variable passed in to the reference.

from memory import Reference

def use_reference():
a = 10
r = Reference(a)
from memory import Reference

def use_reference():
a = 10
r = Reference(a)

Lifetime values

Most lifetime values are created by the compiler. As a developer, there are a few ways to specify lifetime values:

  • Static lifetimes. The ImmutableStaticLifetime and MutableStaticLifetime aliases are lifetimes that last for the duration of the program.
  • The __lifetime_of() magic function, which returns the lifetime associated with the value (or values) passed in.
  • Inferred lifetime. You can use inferred parameters to capture the lifetime of a value passed in to a function.

Static lifetimes

You can use the static lifetimes ImmutableStaticLifetime and MutableStaticLifetime when you have a value that should never be destroyed; or when there's no way to construct a meaningful lifetime for a value.

For an example of the first case, the StringLiteral method as_string_slice() returns a StringSlice pointing to the original string literal. String literals are static—they're allocated at compile time and never destroyed—so the slice is created with an immutable, static lifetime.

Converting an UnsafePointer into a Reference is an example of the second case: the UnsafePointer's data doesn't carry a lifetime—one reason that it's considered unsafe—but you need to specify a lifetime when creating a Reference. In this case, there's no way to construct a meaningful lifetime value, so the new Reference is constructed with a MutableStaticLifetime. Mojo won't destroy this value automatically. As with any value stored using a pointer, it's up to the user to explicitly destroy the value.

Derived lifetimes

Use the __lifetime_of() magic function to obtain a value's lifetime. This can be useful, for example, when creating a container type. Consider the List type. Subscripting into a list (list[4]) returns a reference to the item at the specified position. The signature of the __getitem__() method that's called to return the subscripted item looks like this:

fn __getitem__(ref [_]self, idx: Int) -> ref [__lifetime_of(self)] T:
fn __getitem__(ref [_]self, idx: Int) -> ref [__lifetime_of(self)] T:

The syntax may be unfamiliar—ref arguments and ref return values are described in the following sections. For now it's enough to know that the return value is a reference of type T (where T is the element type stored in the list), and the reference has the same lifetime as the list itself. This means that as long as you hold the reference, the underlying list won't be destroyed.

Inferred lifetimes

The other common way to access a lifetime value is to infer it from the the arguments passed to a function or method. For example, the Span type has an associated lifetime:

struct Span[
is_mutable: Bool, //,
T: CollectionElement,
lifetime: AnyLifetime[is_mutable].type,
"""A non owning view of contiguous data.
struct Span[
is_mutable: Bool, //,
T: CollectionElement,
lifetime: AnyLifetime[is_mutable].type,
"""A non owning view of contiguous data.

One of its constructors creates a Span from an existing List, and infers its lifetime value from the list:

    fn __init__(inout self, ref [lifetime]list: List[T, *_]):
"""Construct a Span from a List.

list: The list to which the span refers.
self._data =
self._len = len(list)
    fn __init__(inout self, ref [lifetime]list: List[T, *_]):
"""Construct a Span from a List.

list: The list to which the span refers.
self._data =
self._len = len(list)

Working with references

You can use the ref keyword with arguments and return values to specify a reference with parametric mutability. That is, they can be either mutable or immutable.

These references shouldn't be confused with the Reference type, which is basically a safe pointer type. A Reference needs to be dereferenced, like a pointer, to access the underlying value. A ref argument, on the other hand, looks like a borrowed or inout argument inside the function. A ref return value looks like any other return value to the calling function, but it is a reference to an existing value, not a copy.

ref arguments

The ref argument convention lets you specify an argument of parametric mutability: that is, you don't need to know in advance whether the passed argument will be mutable or immutable. There are several reasons you might want to use a ref argument:

  • You want to accept an argument with parametric mutability.

  • You want to tie the lifetime of one argument to the lifetime of another argument.

  • When you want an argument that is guaranteed to be passed in memory: this can be important and useful for generic arguments that need an identity, irrespective of whether the concrete type is register passable.

The syntax for a ref argument is:

ref [lifetime] argName: argType

The lifetime parameter passed inside the square brackets can be replaced with an underscore character (_) to indicate that the parameter is unbound. Think of it as a wildcard that will accept any lifetime:

def add_ref(ref [_] a: Int, b: Int) -> Int:
return a+b
def add_ref(ref [_] a: Int, b: Int) -> Int:
return a+b

You can also name the lifetime explicitly. This is useful if you want to specify an ImmutableLifetime or MutableLifetime, or if you want to bind to the is_mutable parameter.

def take_str_ref[
is_mutable: Bool, //,
life: AnyLifetime[is_mutable].type
](ref [life] s: String):
if is_mutable:
print("Mutable: " + s)
print("Immutable: " + s)

def pass_refs(s1: String, owned s2: String):

pass_refs("Hello", "Goodbye")
def take_str_ref[
is_mutable: Bool, //,
life: AnyLifetime[is_mutable].type
](ref [life] s: String):
if is_mutable:
print("Mutable: " + s)
print("Immutable: " + s)

def pass_refs(s1: String, owned s2: String):

pass_refs("Hello", "Goodbye")
Immutable: Hello Mutable: Goodbye

ref return values

Like ref arguments, ref return values allow a function to return a mutable or immutable reference to a value. Like a borrowed or inout argument, these references don't need to be dereferenced.

ref return values can be an efficient way to handle updating items in a collection. The standard way to do this is by implementing the __getitem__() and __setitem__() dunder methods. These are invoked to read from and write to a subscripted item in a collection:

value = list[a]
list[b] += 10
value = list[a]
list[b] += 10

With a ref argument, __getitem__() can return a mutable reference that can be modified directly. This has pros and cons compared to using a __setitem__() method:

  • The mutable reference is more efficient—a single update isn't broken up across two methods. However, the referenced value must be in memory.

  • A __getitem__()/__setitem__() pair allows for arbitrary to be run when values are retrieved and set. For example, __setitem__() can validate or constrain input values.

For example, in the following example, NameList has a get() method that returns a reference:

struct NameList:
var names: List[String]

def __init__(inout self, *names: String):
self.names = List[String]()
for name in names:

def __getitem__(ref [_] self: Self, index: Int) ->
ref [__lifetime_of(self)] String:
if (index >=0 and index < len(self.names)):
return self.names[index]
raise Error("index out of bounds")

def use_name_list():
list = NameList("Thor", "Athena", "Dana", "Vrinda")
list[2] += "?"


struct NameList:
var names: List[String]

def __init__(inout self, *names: String):
self.names = List[String]()
for name in names:

def __getitem__(ref [_] self: Self, index: Int) ->
ref [__lifetime_of(self)] String:
if (index >=0 and index < len(self.names)):
return self.names[index]
raise Error("index out of bounds")

def use_name_list():
list = NameList("Thor", "Athena", "Dana", "Vrinda")
list[2] += "?"


Dana Dana?

Note that this update succeeds, even though NameList doesn't define a __setitem__() method:

list[2] += "?"
list[2] += "?"

Also note that the code uses the return value directly each time, rather than assigning the return value to a variable, like this:

name = list[2]
name = list[2]

Since a variable needs to own its value, name would end up with an owned copy of the value that list[2] returns. Mojo doesn't currently have syntax to express that you want to keep the original reference in name. This will be added in a future release.

In cases where you need to be able to assign the return value to a variable—for example, an iterator which will be used in a loop—you might consider returning a Reference instead of a ref return value. For example, see the iterator for the List type. You can assign a Reference to a variable, but you need to use the dereference operator ([]) to access the underlying value.

nums = List(1, 2, 3)
for item in nums: # List iterator returns a Reference

nums = List(1, 2, 3)
for item in nums: # List iterator returns a Reference

1 2 3

Parametric mutability of return values

Another advantage of ref return arguments is the ability to support parametric mutability. For example, recall the signature of the __getitem__() method above:

def __getitem__(ref [_] self: Self, index: Int) ->
ref [__lifetime_of(self)] String:
def __getitem__(ref [_] self: Self, index: Int) ->
ref [__lifetime_of(self)] String:

Since the lifetime of the return value is tied to the lifetime of self, the returned reference will be mutable if the method was called using a mutable reference. The method still works if you have an immutable reference to the NameList, but it returns an immutable reference:

fn pass_immutable_list(list: NameList) raises:
# list[2] += "?" # Error, this list is immutable

def use_name_list_again():
list = NameList("Sophie", "Jack", "Diana")

fn pass_immutable_list(list: NameList) raises:
# list[2] += "?" # Error, this list is immutable

def use_name_list_again():
list = NameList("Sophie", "Jack", "Diana")


Without parametric mutability, you'd need to write two versions of __getitem__(), one that accepts an immutable self and another that accepts a mutable self.

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