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Mojo struct


@register_passable(trivial) struct Origin[is_mutable: Bool]

This represents a origin reference for a memory value.


  • is_mutable (Bool): Whether the origin is mutable.


  • cast_from = _lit_mut_cast[is_mutable, ?]: Cast an existing Origin to be of the specified mutability. This is a low-level way to coerce Origin mutability. This should be used rarely, typically when building low-level fundamental abstractions. Strongly consider alternatives before reaching for this "escape hatch".

    Safety: This is an UNSAFE operation if used to cast an immutable origin to a mutable origin.


    Cast a mutable origin to be immutable:

    struct Container[mut: Bool, //, origin: Origin[mut]]:
    var data: Int

    fn imm_borrow(self) -> Container[ImmutableOrigin.cast_from[origin].result]:
    # ...
    struct Container[mut: Bool, //, origin: Origin[mut]]:
    var data: Int

    fn imm_borrow(self) -> Container[ImmutableOrigin.cast_from[origin].result]:
    # ...
  • empty = {}: An empty __origin_of() of the given mutability. The empty origin is guaranteed not to alias any existing origins.

Implemented traits

AnyType, Copyable, ExplicitlyCopyable, Movable, UnknownDestructibility



@implicit __init__(mlir_origin: Origin[is_mutable.value]) -> Self

Initialize an Origin from a raw MLIR !lit.origin value.


  • mlir_origin (Origin[is_mutable.value]): The raw MLIR origin value.