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Errors, error handling, and context managers

This page discusses how to raise errors in Mojo programs and how to detect and handle error conditions. It also discusses how you can use context managers to allocate and release resources such as files correctly, even when error conditions occur. Finally, it shows you how to implement context managers for your own custom resources.

Raise an error

The raise statement raises an error condition in your program. You provide the raise statement with an Error instance to indicate the type of error that occurred. For example:

raise Error("integer overflow")
raise Error("integer overflow")

As a convenience, you can instead provide an error message in the form of a String or StringLiteral value, and raise automatically uses that to create an Error instance. So you can raise the same error condition as shown above by executing:

raise "integer overflow"
raise "integer overflow"

An error interrupts the current execution flow of your program. If you provide an error handler (as described in Handle an error) in the current function, execution resumes with that handler. If the error isn't handled in the current function, it propagates to the calling function and so on. If an error isn't caught by any error handler, your program terminates with a non-zero exit code and prints the error message. For example:

Unhandled exception caught during execution: integer overflow
Unhandled exception caught during execution: integer overflow

If a function you define using the fn keyword can raise an error, you must include the raises keyword in the function definition. For example:

fn incr(n: Int) raises -> Int:
if n == Int.MAX:
raise "inc: integer overflow"
return n + 1
fn incr(n: Int) raises -> Int:
if n == Int.MAX:
raise "inc: integer overflow"
return n + 1

If you don't include the raises keyword when defining a function with fn, then the function must explicitly handle any errors that might occur in code that it executes. For example:

# This function doesn't compile because of the unhandled error
fn unhandled_error(n: Int):
print(n, "+ 1 =", incr(n))

# This function compiles because it handles the possible error
fn handled_error(n: Int):
print(n, "+ 1 =", incr(n))
except e:
print("Handled an error:", e)
# This function doesn't compile because of the unhandled error
fn unhandled_error(n: Int):
print(n, "+ 1 =", incr(n))

# This function compiles because it handles the possible error
fn handled_error(n: Int):
print(n, "+ 1 =", incr(n))
except e:
print("Handled an error:", e)

In contrast, you cannot use the raises keyword when defining a function using the def keyword, because def always implies that the function might raise an error. So the following is equivalent to the incr function defined above with fn:

def incr(n: Int) -> Int:
if n == Int.MAX:
raise "inc: integer overflow"
return n + 1
def incr(n: Int) -> Int:
if n == Int.MAX:
raise "inc: integer overflow"
return n + 1

Handle an error

Mojo allows you to detect and handle error conditions using the try-except control flow structure, whose full syntax is:

# Code block to execute that might raise an error
except <optional_variable_name>:
# Code block to execute if an error occurs
# Code block to execute if no error occurs
# Final code block to execute in all circumstances
# Code block to execute that might raise an error
except <optional_variable_name>:
# Code block to execute if an error occurs
# Code block to execute if no error occurs
# Final code block to execute in all circumstances

You must include one or both of the except and finally clauses. The else clause is optional.

The try clause contains a code block to execute that might raise an error. If no error occurs, the entire code block executes. If an error occurs, execution of the code block stops at the point that the error is raised. Your program then continues with the execution of the except clause, if provided, or the finally clause.

If the except clause is present, its code block executes only if an error occurred in the try clause. The except clause "consumes" the error that occurred in the try clause. You can then implement any error handling or recovery that's appropriate for your application.

If you provide the name of a variable after the except keyword, then the Error instance is bound to the variable if an error occurs. The Error type implements the Writable trait, so you can pass it as an argument to the print() function if you'd like to print its error message to the console. It also implements the Stringable trait, so you can construct a String with String(error) if you want to extract the error message as a String for further processing.

If desired, you can re-raise an error condition from your except clause simply by executing a raise statement from within its code block. This can be either a new Error instance or, if you provided a variable name to capture the Error that occurred originally, you can re-raise that error.

If the else clause is present, its code block executes only if an error does not occur in the try clause. Note that the else clause is skipped if the try clause executes a continue, break, or return that exits from the try block.

If the finally clause is present, its code block executes after the try clause and the except or else clause, if applicable. The finally clause executes even if one of the other code blocks exit by executing a continue, break, or return statement or by raising an error. The finally clause is often used to release resources used by the try clause (such as a file handle) regardless of whether or not an error occurred.

As an example, consider the following program:

def incr(n: Int) -> Int:
if n == Int.MAX:
raise "inc: integer overflow"
return n + 1

def main():
values = List(0, 1, Int.MAX)
for value in values:
print("try =>", value[])
if value[] == 1:
result = "{} incremented is {}".format(value[], incr(value[]))
except e:
print("except =>", e)
print("else =>", result)
print("finally => ====================")

def incr(n: Int) -> Int:
if n == Int.MAX:
raise "inc: integer overflow"
return n + 1

def main():
values = List(0, 1, Int.MAX)
for value in values:
print("try =>", value[])
if value[] == 1:
result = "{} incremented is {}".format(value[], incr(value[]))
except e:
print("except =>", e)
print("else =>", result)
print("finally => ====================")

Running this program generates the following output:

try     => 0
else => 0 incremented is 1
finally => ====================

try => 1
finally => ====================

try => 9223372036854775807
except => inc: integer overflow
finally => ====================
try     => 0
else => 0 incremented is 1
finally => ====================

try => 1
finally => ====================

try => 9223372036854775807
except => inc: integer overflow
finally => ====================

Use a context manager

A context manager is an object that manages resources such as files, network connections, and database connections. It provides a way to allocate resources and release them automatically when they are no longer needed, ensuring proper cleanup and preventing resource leaks even in the case of error conditions.

As an example, consider reading data from a file. A naive approach might look like this:

# Obtain a file handle to read from storage
f = open(input_file, "r")
content =
# Process the content as needed
# Close the file handle
# Obtain a file handle to read from storage
f = open(input_file, "r")
content =
# Process the content as needed
# Close the file handle

Calling close() releases the memory and other operating system resources associated with the opened file. If your program were to open many files without closing them, you could exhaust the resources available to your program and cause errors. The problem is even worse if you were writing to a file instead of reading from it, because the operating system might buffer the output in memory until the file is closed. If your program were to crash instead of exiting normally, that buffered data could be lost instead of being written to storage.

The example above actually includes the call to close(), but it ignores the possibility that read() could raise an error, which would result in the program not executing the close(). To handle this scenario you could rewrite the code to use try like this:

# Obtain a file handle to read from storage
f = open(input_file, "r")

content =
# Process the content as needed
# Ensure that the file handle is closed even if read() raises an error
# Obtain a file handle to read from storage
f = open(input_file, "r")

content =
# Process the content as needed
# Ensure that the file handle is closed even if read() raises an error

However, the FileHandle struct returned by open() is a context manager. When used in conjunction with Mojo's with statement, a context manager ensures that the resources it manages are properly released at the end of the block, even if an error occurs. In the case of a FileHandle, that means that the call to close() takes place automatically. So you could rewrite the example above to take advantage of the context manager—and omit the explicit call to close()—like this:

with open(input_file, "r") as f:
content =
# Process the content as needed
with open(input_file, "r") as f:
content =
# Process the content as needed

The with statement also allows you to use multiple context managers within the same code block. As an example, the following code opens one text file, reads its entire content, converts it to upper case, and then writes the result to a different file:

    with open(input_file, "r") as f_in, open(output_file, "w") as f_out:
input_text =
output_text = input_text.upper()
    with open(input_file, "r") as f_in, open(output_file, "w") as f_out:
input_text =
output_text = input_text.upper()

FileHandle is perhaps the most commonly used context manager. Other examples of context managers in the Mojo standard library are NamedTemporaryFile, TemporaryDirectory, BlockingScopedLock, and assert_raises. You can also create your own custom context managers, as described in Write a custom context manager below.

Write a custom context manager

Writing a custom context manager is a matter of defining a struct that implements two special dunder methods ("double underscore" methods): __enter__() and __exit__():

  • __enter__() is called by the with statement to enter the runtime context. The __enter__() method should initialize any state necessary for the context and return the context manager.

  • __exit__() is called when the with code block completes execution, even if the with code block terminates with a call to continue, break, or return. The __exit__() method should release any resources associated with the context. After the __exit__() method returns, the context manager is destroyed.

    If the with code block raises an error, then the __exit__() method runs before any error processing occurs (that is, before it is caught by a try-except structure or your program terminates). If you'd like to define conditional processing for error conditions in a with code block, you can implement an overloaded version of __exit__() that takes an Error argument. For more information, see Define a conditional __exit__() method below.

    For context managers that don't need to release resources or perform other actions on termination, you are not required to implement an __exit__() method. In that case the context manager is destroyed automatically after the with code block completes execution.

Here is an example of implementing a Timer context manager, which prints the amount of time spent executing the with code block:

import sys
import time

struct Timer:
var start_time: Int

fn __init__(out self):
self.start_time = 0

fn __enter__(mut self) -> Self:
self.start_time = time.perf_counter_ns()
return self

fn __exit__(mut self):
end_time = time.perf_counter_ns()
elapsed_time_ms = round(((end_time - self.start_time) / 1e6), 3)
print("Elapsed time:", elapsed_time_ms, "milliseconds")

def main():
with Timer():
print("Beginning execution")
if len(sys.argv()) > 1:
raise "simulated error"
print("Ending execution")
import sys
import time

struct Timer:
var start_time: Int

fn __init__(out self):
self.start_time = 0

fn __enter__(mut self) -> Self:
self.start_time = time.perf_counter_ns()
return self

fn __exit__(mut self):
end_time = time.perf_counter_ns()
elapsed_time_ms = round(((end_time - self.start_time) / 1e6), 3)
print("Elapsed time:", elapsed_time_ms, "milliseconds")

def main():
with Timer():
print("Beginning execution")
if len(sys.argv()) > 1:
raise "simulated error"
print("Ending execution")

Running this example produces output like this:

mojo context_mgr.mojo
mojo context_mgr.mojo
Beginning execution
Ending execution
Elapsed time: 2010.0 milliseconds
Beginning execution
Ending execution
Elapsed time: 2010.0 milliseconds
mojo context_mgr.mojo fail
mojo context_mgr.mojo fail
Beginning execution
Elapsed time: 1002.0 milliseconds
Unhandled exception caught during execution: simulated error
Beginning execution
Elapsed time: 1002.0 milliseconds
Unhandled exception caught during execution: simulated error

Define a conditional __exit__() method

When creating a context manager, you can implement the __exit__(self) form of the __exit__() method to handle completion of the with statement under all circumstances including errors. However, you have the option of additionally implementing an overloaded version that is invoked instead when an error occurs in the with code block:

fn __exit__(self, error: Error) raises -> Bool
fn __exit__(self, error: Error) raises -> Bool

Given the Error that occurred as an argument, the method can:

  • Return True to suppress the error
  • Return False to re-raise the error
  • Raise a new error

The following is an example of a context manager that suppresses only a certain type of error condition and propagates all others:

import sys
import time

struct ConditionalTimer:
var start_time: Int

fn __init__(out self):
self.start_time = 0

fn __enter__(mut self) -> Self:
self.start_time = time.perf_counter_ns()
return self

fn __exit__(mut self):
end_time = time.perf_counter_ns()
elapsed_time_ms = round(((end_time - self.start_time) / 1e6), 3)
print("Elapsed time:", elapsed_time_ms, "milliseconds")

fn __exit__(mut self, e: Error) raises -> Bool:
if String(e) == "just a warning":
print("Suppressing error:", e)
return True
print("Propagating error")
return False

def flaky_identity(n: Int) -> Int:
if (n % 4) == 0:
raise "really bad"
elif (n % 2) == 0:
raise "just a warning"
return n

def main():
for i in range(1, 9):
with ConditionalTimer():
print("\nBeginning execution")

print("i =", i)

if i == 3:
print("continue executed")

j = flaky_identity(i)
print("j =", j)

print("Ending execution")
import sys
import time

struct ConditionalTimer:
var start_time: Int

fn __init__(out self):
self.start_time = 0

fn __enter__(mut self) -> Self:
self.start_time = time.perf_counter_ns()
return self

fn __exit__(mut self):
end_time = time.perf_counter_ns()
elapsed_time_ms = round(((end_time - self.start_time) / 1e6), 3)
print("Elapsed time:", elapsed_time_ms, "milliseconds")

fn __exit__(mut self, e: Error) raises -> Bool:
if String(e) == "just a warning":
print("Suppressing error:", e)
return True
print("Propagating error")
return False

def flaky_identity(n: Int) -> Int:
if (n % 4) == 0:
raise "really bad"
elif (n % 2) == 0:
raise "just a warning"
return n

def main():
for i in range(1, 9):
with ConditionalTimer():
print("\nBeginning execution")

print("i =", i)

if i == 3:
print("continue executed")

j = flaky_identity(i)
print("j =", j)

print("Ending execution")

Running this example produces this output:

Beginning execution
i = 1
j = 1
Ending execution
Elapsed time: 105.0 milliseconds

Beginning execution
i = 2
Suppressing error: just a warning
Elapsed time: 106.0 milliseconds

Beginning execution
i = 3
continue executed
Elapsed time: 106.0 milliseconds

Beginning execution
i = 4
Propagating error
Elapsed time: 106.0 milliseconds
Unhandled exception caught during execution: really bad
Beginning execution
i = 1
j = 1
Ending execution
Elapsed time: 105.0 milliseconds

Beginning execution
i = 2
Suppressing error: just a warning
Elapsed time: 106.0 milliseconds

Beginning execution
i = 3
continue executed
Elapsed time: 106.0 milliseconds

Beginning execution
i = 4
Propagating error
Elapsed time: 106.0 milliseconds
Unhandled exception caught during execution: really bad

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