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Mojo struct


A non-owning view to encoded string data.

TODO: The underlying string data is guaranteed to be encoded using UTF-8.


  • ​is_mutable (Bool): Whether the slice is mutable.
  • ​lifetime (AnyLifetime[is_mutable.value]): The lifetime of the underlying string data.

Implemented traits​

AnyType, Formattable, Sized, Stringable



__init__(inout self: StringSlice[0, MutableStaticLifetime], lit: StringLiteral)

Construct a new string slice from a string literal.


  • ​lit (StringLiteral): The literal to construct this string slice from.

__init__(inout self: Self, *, owned unsafe_from_utf8: Span[is_mutable, SIMD[uint8, 1], lifetime])

Construct a new StringSlice from a sequence of UTF-8 encoded bytes.

Safety: unsafe_from_utf8 MUST be valid UTF-8 encoded data.


  • ​unsafe_from_utf8 (Span[is_mutable, SIMD[uint8, 1], lifetime]): A slice of bytes encoded in UTF-8.

__init__(inout self: Self, *, unsafe_from_utf8_strref: StringRef)

Construct a new StringSlice from a StringRef pointing to UTF-8 encoded bytes.

Safety: - unsafe_from_utf8_strref MUST point to data that is valid for lifetime. - unsafe_from_utf8_strref MUST be valid UTF-8 encoded data.


  • ​unsafe_from_utf8_strref (StringRef): A StringRef of bytes encoded in UTF-8.

__init__(inout self: Self, *, unsafe_from_utf8_ptr: UnsafePointer[SIMD[uint8, 1], 0, 0, alignof[::AnyType,__mlir_type.!]() if triple_is_nvidia_cuda() else 1], len: Int)

Construct a StringSlice from a pointer to a sequence of UTF-8 encoded bytes and a length.

Safety: - unsafe_from_utf8_ptr MUST point to at least len bytes of valid UTF-8 encoded data. - unsafe_from_utf8_ptr must point to data that is live for the duration of lifetime.


  • ​unsafe_from_utf8_ptr (UnsafePointer[SIMD[uint8, 1], 0, 0, alignof[::AnyType,__mlir_type.!]() if triple_is_nvidia_cuda() else 1]): A pointer to a sequence of bytes encoded in UTF-8.
  • ​len (Int): The number of bytes of encoded data.


__bool__(self: Self) -> Bool

Check if a string slice is non-empty.


True if a string slice is non-empty, False otherwise.


__eq__(self: Self, rhs: StringSlice[is_mutable, lifetime]) -> Bool

Verify if a string slice is equal to another string slice.


  • ​rhs (StringSlice[is_mutable, lifetime]): The string slice to compare against.


True if the string slices are equal in length and contain the same elements, False otherwise.

__eq__(self: Self, rhs: String) -> Bool

Verify if a string slice is equal to a string.


  • ​rhs (String): The string to compare against.


True if the string slice is equal to the input string in length and contain the same bytes, False otherwise.

__eq__(self: Self, rhs: StringLiteral) -> Bool

Verify if a string slice is equal to a literal.


  • ​rhs (StringLiteral): The literal to compare against.


True if the string slice is equal to the input literal in length and contain the same bytes, False otherwise.


__ne__(self: Self, rhs: StringSlice[is_mutable, lifetime]) -> Bool

Verify if span is not equal to another string slice.


  • ​rhs (StringSlice[is_mutable, lifetime]): The string slice to compare against.


True if the string slices are not equal in length or contents, False otherwise.

__ne__(self: Self, rhs: String) -> Bool

Verify if span is not equal to another string slice.


  • ​rhs (String): The string slice to compare against.


True if the string and slice are not equal in length or contents, False otherwise.

__ne__(self: Self, rhs: StringLiteral) -> Bool

Verify if span is not equal to a literal.


  • ​rhs (StringLiteral): The string literal to compare against.


True if the slice is not equal to the literal in length or contents, False otherwise.


__str__(self: Self) -> String

Gets this slice as a standard String.


The string representation of the slice.


__len__(self: Self) -> Int

Nominally returns the length in Unicode codepoints (not bytes!).


The length in Unicode codepoints.


format_to(self: Self, inout writer: Formatter)

Formats this string slice to the provided formatter.


  • ​writer (Formatter): The formatter to write to.


__iter__(ref [self_is_lifetime] self: Self) -> _StringSliceIter[$0, $1, 1]

Iterate over elements of the string slice, returning immutable references.


An iterator of references to the string elements.


__reversed__(ref [self_is_lifetime] self: Self) -> _StringSliceIter[$0, $1, 0]

Iterate backwards over the string, returning immutable references.


A reversed iterator of references to the string elements.


as_bytes_slice(self: Self) -> Span[is_mutable, SIMD[uint8, 1], lifetime]

Get the sequence of encoded bytes as a slice of the underlying string.


A slice containing the underlying sequence of encoded bytes.


unsafe_ptr(self: Self) -> UnsafePointer[SIMD[uint8, 1], 0, 0, alignof[::AnyType,__mlir_type.!]() if triple_is_nvidia_cuda() else 1]

Gets a pointer to the first element of this string slice.


A pointer pointing at the first element of this string slice.


byte_length(self: Self) -> Int

Get the length of this string slice in bytes.


The length of this string slice in bytes.


find(self: Self, substr: StringSlice[is_mutable, lifetime], start: Int = 0) -> Int

Finds the offset of the first occurrence of substr starting at start. If not found, returns -1.


  • ​substr (StringSlice[is_mutable, lifetime]): The substring to find.
  • ​start (Int): The offset from which to find.


The offset of substr relative to the beginning of the string.


isspace(self: Self) -> Bool

Determines whether every character in the given StringSlice is a python whitespace String. This corresponds to Python's universal separators " \t\n\r\f\v\x1c\x1d\x1e\x85\u2028\u2029".


True if the whole StringSlice is made up of whitespace characters listed above, otherwise False.


splitlines(self: Self, keepends: Bool = 0) -> List[String, 0]

Split the string at line boundaries. This corresponds to Python's universal newlines "\t\n\r\r\n\f\v\x1c\x1d\x1e\x85\u2028\u2029".


  • ​keepends (Bool): If True, line breaks are kept in the resulting strings.


A List of Strings containing the input split by line boundaries.

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