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Ops that perform linear algebra.


  • outer: Computes the outer product of two symbolic vectors.
  • matmul_broadcast: Computes the broadcasting of two symbolic tensors for a matmul.
  • matmul: Computes the matrix multiplication of two symbolic tensors.
  • batch_matmul: Computes the matrix multiplication of two symbolic tensors.
  • matmul_by_matrix: Computes the matrix multiplication of two symbolic tensors.
  • band_part: Masks out everything except a diagonal band of an input matrix.
  • layer_norm: Performs layer normalization.
  • range_fill: Creates a sequence of numbers. The sequence goes from start with increments of size step up to (but not including) limit. All arguments are mandatory and must have the same element type.
  • tile: Returns a new Tensor as the result of copying the input tensor N_i times on each dimension, where N_i = tiles[i].