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#include "max/c/value.h"
#include "max/c/value.h"



M_AsyncValue *M_getValueByNameFrom(M_AsyncTensorMap *valueMap, const char *valueName, M_Status *status)

Gets a value from the value map by name.

  • Parameters:

    • valueMap – The value map.
    • valueName – The name of the value.
    • status – The status object for reporting errors.
  • Returns:

    A pointer to the value. You are responsible for the memory associated with the pointer returned. The memory can be deallocated by calling M_freeValue(). The held value inside the return value is simply borrowed from the corresponding input M_AsyncTensorMap. If the value map or name are invalid, a NULL pointer is returned and the status parameter contains an error message.


M_AsyncValue *M_getValueFromMapIterator(M_TensorMapIterator *iterator)

Gets the tensor from the tensor map iterator.

  • Parameters:

    iterator – The tensor map iterator.

  • Returns:

    A pointer to the tensor. You are responsible for the memory associated with the pointer returned. The memory can be deallocated by calling M_freeTensor(). The held tensor inside the return value is simply borrowed from the corresponding input M_AsyncTensorMap. If the tensor map iterator is invalid, a NULL pointer is returned.


void M_freeValue(M_AsyncValue *value)

Deallocates the memory for the container. No-op if container is NULL.

  • Parameters:

    container – The container to deallocate.


const char *M_getStringFromValue(M_AsyncValue *value)

Gets a string from the async value.

  • Parameters:

    value – The async value.

  • Returns:

    A null-terminated string if the value is valid. Otherwise, NULL. The memory associated with the returned string is owned by the value.


M_AsyncValue *M_createStringAsyncValue(const char *data, M_RuntimeContext *context)

Creates a string wrapped in an AsyncValue.

  • Parameters:

    • data – The zero-terminated string data.
    • context – The runtime context.
  • Returns:

    A pointer to the value. You are responsible for the memory associated with the pointer returned. The memory can be deallocated by calling M_freeValue(). The held value inside the return value is owned by the AsyncValue.


double M_getDoubleFromValue(M_AsyncValue *value)

Gets a double from the async value.

  • Parameters:

    value – The async value.

  • Returns:

    A double value.


M_AsyncValue *M_createDoubleAsyncValue(double value, M_RuntimeContext *context)

Creates a double value wrapped in an AsyncValue.

  • Parameters:

    • value – The double value.
    • context – The runtime context.
  • Returns:

    A pointer to the value. You are responsible for the memory associated with the pointer returned. The memory can be deallocated by calling M_freeValue(). The held value inside the return value is owned by the AsyncValue.


int64_t M_getLongFromValue(M_AsyncValue *value)

Gets a long from the async value.

  • Parameters:

    value – The async value.

  • Returns:

    A long value.


M_AsyncValue *M_createLongAsyncValue(int64_t value, M_RuntimeContext *context)

Creates a long value wrapped in an AsyncValue.

  • Parameters:

    • value – The long value.
    • context – The runtime context.
  • Returns:

    A pointer to the value. You are responsible for the memory associated with the pointer returned. The memory can be deallocated by calling M_freeValue(). The held value inside the return value is owned by the AsyncValue.


bool M_getBoolFromValue(M_AsyncValue *value)

Gets a boolean from the async value.

  • Parameters:

    value – The async value.

  • Returns:

    A boolean value.


M_AsyncValue *M_createBoolAsyncValue(bool value, M_RuntimeContext *context)

Creates a boolean value wrapped in an AsyncValue.

  • Parameters:

    • value – The boolean value.
    • context – The runtime context.
  • Returns:

    A pointer to the value. You are responsible for the memory associated with the pointer returned. The memory can be deallocated by calling M_freeValue(). The held value inside the return value is owned by the AsyncValue.


void M_borrowValueInto(M_AsyncTensorMap *tensors, const char *name, const M_AsyncValue *value, M_Status *status)

Adds a value to the tensor map.

You are responsible for the lifetime of the input value. It gets “borrowed” into the TensorMap.

  • Parameters:

    • tensors – The tensor map, from M_newAsyncTensorMap().
    • name – The zero-terminated string data, representing the name of the value.
    • value – The input value.
    • status – The status object for reporting errors.


M_ValueType M_getValueType(M_AsyncValue *value)

Returns the type contained in the underlying value.

  • Parameters:

    value – The async value.

  • Returns:

    An enum describing the type of the underlying value. Returns M_UNKNOWN_VALUE for unsupported values and if the value is invalid.


M_AsyncDict *M_getDictFromValue(M_AsyncValue *value)

Gets a Dict from the async value.

  • Parameters:

    value – The async value.

  • Returns:

    A pointer to the Dict. You are responsible for the memory associated with the pointer returned. The memory can be deallocated by calling M_freeDict(). The held Dict inside the return value is simply borrowed from the M_AsyncValue. If the value is invalid or not a Dict, a NULL pointer is returned.


M_AsyncValue *M_createDictAsyncValue(M_RuntimeContext *context)

Creates an empty Dict wrapped in an AsyncValue.

  • Parameters:

    context – The runtime context.

  • Returns:

    A pointer to the value. You are responsible for the memory associated with the pointer returned. The memory can be deallocated by calling M_freeValue(). The held value inside the return value is owned by the AsyncValue.


void M_insertIntoDict(M_AsyncDict *dict, M_AsyncValue *key, M_AsyncValue *value)

Inserts a key-value pair to the Dict.

You are responsible for the lifetime of the key and value. Their data gets “borrowed” into the Dict. No-op if either the dict, key or value are invalid.

  • Parameters:

    • dict – The dict to insert into.
    • key – The key to insert.
    • value – The value to insert.


M_AsyncList *M_getListFromValue(M_AsyncValue *value)

Gets a List from the async value.

  • Parameters:

    value – The async value.

  • Returns:

    A pointer to the List. You are responsible for the memory associated with the pointer returned. The memory can be deallocated by calling M_freeList(). The held List inside the return value is simply borrowed from the M_AsyncValue. If the value is invalid or not a List, a NULL pointer is returned.


M_AsyncValue *M_createListAsyncValue(M_RuntimeContext *context)

Creates an empty List wrapped in an AsyncValue.

  • Parameters:

    context – The runtime context.

  • Returns:

    A pointer to the value. You are responsible for the memory associated with the pointer returned. The memory can be deallocated by calling M_freeValue(). The held value inside the return value is owned by the AsyncValue.


void M_appendToList(M_AsyncList *list, M_AsyncValue *value)

Appends a value to the List.

You are responsible for the lifetime of the value. Its data gets “borrowed” into the List. No-op if either the list or value are invalid.

  • Parameters:

    • list – The list to append onto.
    • value – The value to append.


M_AsyncTuple *M_getTupleFromValue(M_AsyncValue *value)

Gets a Tuple from the async value.

  • Parameters:

    value – The async value.

  • Returns:

    A pointer to the Tuple. You are responsible for the memory associated with the pointer returned. The memory can be deallocated by calling M_freeTuple(). The held Tuple inside the return value is simply borrowed from the M_AsyncValue. If the value is invalid or not a Tuple, a NULL pointer is returned.


void M_borrowIntoTuple(M_AsyncTuple *tuple, M_AsyncValue *value)

Adds a value to the Tuple.

You are responsible for the lifetime of the value. Its data gets “borrowed” into the Tuple. No-op if either the tuple or value are invalid.

  • Parameters:

    • tuple – The tuple to add into.
    • value – The value to add.


M_AsyncValue *M_createTupleAsyncValue(M_RuntimeContext *context)

Creates an empty Tuple wrapped in an AsyncValue.

  • Parameters:

    context – The runtime context.

  • Returns:

    A pointer to the value. You are responsible for the memory associated with the pointer returned. The memory can be deallocated by calling M_freeValue(). The held value inside the return value is owned by the AsyncValue.


size_t M_getDictSize(M_AsyncDict *dict)

Returns the number of elements in the Dict.

  • Parameters:

    dict – The dict.

  • Returns:

    The number of elements in the Dict. Returns 0 if the dict is invalid.


size_t M_getListSize(M_AsyncList *list)

Returns the number of elements in the List.

  • Parameters:

    list – The list.

  • Returns:

    The number of elements in the List. Returns 0 if the list is invalid.


size_t M_getTupleSize(M_AsyncTuple *tuple)

Returns the number of elements in the Tuple.

  • Parameters:

    tuple – The tuple.

  • Returns:

    The number of elements in the Tuple. Returns 0 if the tuple is invalid.


M_AsyncValue *M_getDictKey(M_AsyncDict *dict, size_t i)

Returns the dict key at position i.

  • Parameters:

    • dict – The dict.
    • i – The index to return.
  • Returns:

    A pointer to the value. You are responsible for the memory associated with the pointer returned. The memory can be deallocated by calling M_freeValue(). The held value inside the return value is owned by the AsyncValue. If the dict is invalid or the index out of bounds, a NULL pointer is returned.


M_AsyncValue *M_getDictValue(M_AsyncDict *dict, size_t i)

Returns the dict value at position i.

  • Parameters:

    • dict – The dict.
    • i – The index to return.
  • Returns:

    A pointer to the value. You are responsible for the memory associated with the pointer returned. The memory can be deallocated by calling M_freeValue(). The held value inside the return value is owned by the AsyncValue. If the dict is invalid or the index out of bounds, a NULL pointer is returned.


M_AsyncValue *M_getListValue(M_AsyncList *list, size_t i)

Returns the list value at position i.

  • Parameters:

    • list – The list.
    • i – The index to return.
  • Returns:

    A pointer to the value. You are responsible for the memory associated with the pointer returned. The memory can be deallocated by calling M_freeValue(). The held value inside the return value is owned by the AsyncValue. If the list is invalid or the index out of bounds, a NULL pointer is returned.


M_AsyncValue *M_getTupleValue(M_AsyncTuple *tuple, size_t i)

Returns the tuple value at position i.

  • Parameters:

    • dict – The tuple.
    • i – The index to return.
  • Returns:

    A pointer to the value. You are responsible for the memory associated with the pointer returned. The memory can be deallocated by calling M_freeValue(). The held value inside the return value is owned by the AsyncValue. If the tuple is invalid or the index out of bounds, a NULL pointer is returned.


M_AsyncValue *M_createNoneAsyncValue(M_RuntimeContext *context)

Creates a None value wrapped in an AsyncValue.

  • Parameters:

    context – The runtime context.

  • Returns:

    A pointer to the value. You are responsible for the memory associated with the pointer returned. The memory can be deallocated by calling M_freeValue(). The held value inside the return value is owned by the AsyncValue.


void M_freeDict(M_AsyncDict *dict)

Deallocates the memory for the dictionary. No-op if dict is NULL.

  • Parameters:

    dict – The dictionary to deallocate.


void M_freeList(M_AsyncList *list)

Deallocates the memory for the list. No-op if list is NULL.

  • Parameters:

    list – The list to deallocate.


void M_freeTuple(M_AsyncTuple *list)

Deallocates the memory for the tuple. No-op if tuple is NULL.

  • Parameters:

    list – The list to deallocate.


void M_freeNone(M_AsyncNone *none)

Deallocates the memory for the none value. No-op if none is NULL.

  • Parameters:

    list – The list to deallocate.

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