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Mojo🔥 upgrade guide

The following update steps are ordered from most to least common. If you have compiler warnings or errors, you can go down the list and try recompiling your program after each item.

Upgrading Mojo 0.7 to 24.1​

Rename let to var​

There is now a compiler warning to change the let keyword to var. But let is a common word that you might mistakenly overwrite a comment or doc string. VS Code has a nice find and replace feature to visualize the changes before making them.

First click the search icon and select the icon for Match Whole Word [ab], then click the arrow to expand the replace bar. Put let in the first bar and var in the second, then press enter. You can change one file at a time by pressing the Replace All button next to each file:

let to var

vectorize() and unroll() signature change​

The vectorize() function now has the ability to add an unroll_factor parameter to unroll the loop. This will often be used as a keyword parameter for clarity like this: vectorize[fn, simd_width, unroll_factor=2](size). The fn parameter was moved to the front of the signature to accommodate this.

You can update old code using the find and replace regex syntax to swap the parameters:

vectorize\[(.*?), (.*?)\]
vectorize[$2, $1]

In VS Code back in search, you can press the .* icon and paste regex to fix the signatures:

vectorize fix

Similarly, unroll has changed to match the vectorize signature, which can be updated in the same way with the following regex:

unroll\[(.*?), (.*?)\]
unroll[$2, $1]

vectorize_unroll() function removed​

You must change vectorize_unroll[width, unroll_factor, fn](size) to vectorize[fn, width, unroll_factor](size). The regex for this is:

vectorize_unroll\[(.*?), (.*?), (.*?)\]
vectorize[$3, $1, $2]

DynamicVector constructor capacity now keyword-only​

The DynamicVector struct had a constructor that took a single integer value for the vector's capacity. This had the effect of allowing an implicit conversion from Int to DynamicVector. This was not intended to support implicit conversion, so capacity is now a keyword-only argument to avoid this. To update your code you can use this regex:


Which in VS Code looks like this:

DynamicVector capacity

NDBuffer signature change​

The shape of an NDBuffer can now default to being unknown, so the parameter list has been rearranged to accommodate this:

For example this:

var buf = NDBuffer[rank, shape, type, address_space]()

Becomes this:

var buf = NDBuffer[type, rank, shape, address_space]()

And the shape and address_space parameters are now optional:

var buf = NDBuffer[type, rank]()

The regex to fix this is:

NDBuffer\[(.*?), (.*?), (.*?),
NDBuffer[$3, $1, $2]

Dereference Variant with []​

Previously, using Variant was unsafe with heap allocated objects, it now returns a reference. If you had code that looks like this:

from utils import Variant

fn foo(variant: Variant[String, Int]):
if variant.isa[String]():
var s = variant.get[String]()

fn main():

You now need to dereference to get access to the pointed to value with []:

        var s = variant.get[String]()

Note that dereferencing with [] is temporary, Mojo will add auto-dereferencing in the future so this is invisible to the user.

String method changes​

Methods on String were changed to match Python naming conventions:

var s = String("Foo")
var lower = s.tolower()
var upper = s.toupper()

Has become:

var s = String("Foo")
var lower = s.lower()
var upper = s.upper()

The regex to fix this is:




Implicit parameters for arguments​

Previously you could explicitly specify the implicit parameters of an automatically parameterized function by passing them in the parameter list:

fn foo(x: SIMD):

fn main():
foo[DType.int32, 1](SIMD[DType.int32, 1](4))

This was not intended to be possible and is now a compiler error. These implicit parameters are always inferred from the function arguments. For example:

fn foo(x: SIMD):

fn main():
var v =SIMD[DType.int32, 2](4, 2)

There is no regex to accommodate all the variations of this, so it needs to be done manually.

Using a trait inside another trait​

This no longer compiles:

trait Foo:
fn foo[T: Bar](self): ...

trait Bar: ...

struct MyStruct(Foo):
fn foo[T: Bar](self): ...

You must use concrete types inside trait methods for now, this was an unintended regression as our codebase wasn't using this feature, it will be fixed in a future release.