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Python class



class max.graph.Graph(name: str, forward: Callable | None = None, input_types: Iterable[Type] = (), path: Path | None = None, *args, context: _BaseContext | None = None, **kwargs)

Represents a single MAX graph.

A Graph is a callable routine in MAX Engine. Like functions, graphs have a name and signature. Unlike a function, which follows an imperative programming model, a Graph follows a dataflow programming model, using lazily-executed, parallel operations instead of sequential instructions.

When you instantiate a graph, you must specify the input shapes as one or more TensorType values. Then, build a sequence of ops and set the graph output with output(). For example:

from dataclasses import dataclass

import numpy as np
from max.dtype import DType
from max.graph import Graph, TensorType, TensorValue, ops

class Linear:
weight: np.ndarray
bias: np.ndarray

def __call__(self, x: TensorValue) -> TensorValue:
weight_tensor = ops.constant(self.weight, dtype=DType.float32)
bias_tensor = ops.constant(self.bias, dtype=DType.float32)
return ops.matmul(x, weight_tensor) + bias_tensor

linear_graph = Graph(
Linear(np.ones((2, 2)), np.ones((2,))),
input_types=[TensorType(DType.float32, (2,))]
from dataclasses import dataclass

import numpy as np
from max.dtype import DType
from max.graph import Graph, TensorType, TensorValue, ops

class Linear:
weight: np.ndarray
bias: np.ndarray

def __call__(self, x: TensorValue) -> TensorValue:
weight_tensor = ops.constant(self.weight, dtype=DType.float32)
bias_tensor = ops.constant(self.bias, dtype=DType.float32)
return ops.matmul(x, weight_tensor) + bias_tensor

linear_graph = Graph(
Linear(np.ones((2, 2)), np.ones((2,))),
input_types=[TensorType(DType.float32, (2,))]

You can’t call a Graph directly from Python. You must compile it and execute it with MAX Engine. For more detail, see the tutorial about how to build a graph with MAX Graph.

When creating a graph, a global sequence of chains is initialized and stored in Graph._current_chain. Every side-effecting op, e.g. buffer_load, store_buffer, load_slice_buffer, store_slice_buffer, will use the current chain to perform the op and and update Graph._current_chain with a new chain. Currently, the input/output chains for mutable ops can be used at most once. The goal of this design choice is to prevent data races.


add_weight(weight: Weight, device: DeviceRef | None = None) → TensorValue

Adds a weight to the graph.

If the weight is in the graph already, return the existing value.

  • Parameters:

    • weight – The weight to add to the graph.
    • device – The device that the weight is placed on before passing the weight to the graph.
  • Returns:

    A TensorValue that contains this weight.

  • Raises:

    ValueError – If a weight with the same name already exists in the graph.




import_kernels(path: Path) → KernelLibrary


inputs*: tuple[max.graph.value.Value, ...]*


output(*outputs: Value) → None

Sets the output nodes of the Graph.


unique_symbolic_dim(tag: str) → SymbolicDim

Create a new symbolic dim with a different name from any other.

  • Parameters:

    tag – An additional identifier to help identify the dimension for debugging purposes.

  • Returns:

    The dimension.