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HF Token Generation Pipeline


class max.pipelines.pipeline.KVCacheMixin(*args, **kwargs)


abstract classmethod estimate_kv_cache_size(pipeline_config: PipelineConfig, available_cache_memory: int, devices: list[max.driver.driver.Device]) → int

Estimates the size of the kv cache in bytes.


load_kv_manager(session: InferenceSession, available_cache_memory: int | None) → KVCacheManager

Provided a PipelineConfig and InferenceSession, loads the KV manager.

  • Parameters:

    • session – Inference session to compile and init the KV cache.
    • available_cache_memory – Amount of memory available to the KV cache, in bytes.
  • Returns:

    one per input modality.

  • Return type:

    Either a single KV cache manager or a tuple of KV cache managers


class max.pipelines.pipeline.ModelInputs

Base class for model inputs. Use this class to encapsulate inputs for your model. You may store any number of dataclass fields


>>> class ReplitInputs(ModelInputs):
... tokens: Tensor
... input_row_offsets: Tensor
... def __init__(self, tokens: Tensor, input_row_offsets: Tensor):
... self.tokens = tokens
... self.input_row_offsets = input_row_offsets
>>> # Create tensors
>>> tokens = Tensor.zeros((1, 2, 3), DType.int64)
>>> input_row_offsets = Tensor.zeros((1, 1, 1), DType.int64)
>>> # Initialize inputs
>>> inputs = ReplitInputs(tokens=tokens, input_row_offsets=input_row_offsets)
>>> # Access tensors
>>> list(inputs) == [tokens, input_row_offsets]
>>> class ReplitInputs(ModelInputs):
... tokens: Tensor
... input_row_offsets: Tensor
... def __init__(self, tokens: Tensor, input_row_offsets: Tensor):
... self.tokens = tokens
... self.input_row_offsets = input_row_offsets
>>> # Create tensors
>>> tokens = Tensor.zeros((1, 2, 3), DType.int64)
>>> input_row_offsets = Tensor.zeros((1, 1, 1), DType.int64)
>>> # Initialize inputs
>>> inputs = ReplitInputs(tokens=tokens, input_row_offsets=input_row_offsets)
>>> # Access tensors
>>> list(inputs) == [tokens, input_row_offsets]


class max.pipelines.pipeline.ModelOutputs(next_token_logits: 'Tensor | None' = None, logits: 'Tensor | None' = None)


logits*: Tensor | None* = None

Logits for the entire token sequence.


next_token_logits*: Tensor | None* = None

Logits for just the next token.


class max.pipelines.pipeline.PipelineModel(pipeline_config: PipelineConfig, session: InferenceSession)

A pipeline model with setup, input preparation and execution methods.


abstract classmethod calculate_max_seq_len(pipeline_config: PipelineConfig) → int

Calculate the optimal max sequence length for the model. Models are expected to implement this method.


>>> class MistralModel(PipelineModel):
... @classmethod
... def calculate_max_seq_len(cls, pipeline_config: PipelineConfig) -> int:
... try:
... return upper_bounded_default(
... upper_bound=pipeline_config.huggingface_config.max_seq_len,
... default=pipeline_config.max_length,
... )
... except ValueError as e:
... msg = (
... "Unable to infer max_length for Mistral, the provided "
... f"max_length ({pipeline_config.max_length}) exceeds the "
... f"model's max_seq_len "
... f"({pipeline_config.huggingface_config.max_seq_len})."
... )
... raise ValueError(msg) from e
>>> class MistralModel(PipelineModel):
... @classmethod
... def calculate_max_seq_len(cls, pipeline_config: PipelineConfig) -> int:
... try:
... return upper_bounded_default(
... upper_bound=pipeline_config.huggingface_config.max_seq_len,
... default=pipeline_config.max_length,
... )
... except ValueError as e:
... msg = (
... "Unable to infer max_length for Mistral, the provided "
... f"max_length ({pipeline_config.max_length}) exceeds the "
... f"model's max_seq_len "
... f"({pipeline_config.huggingface_config.max_seq_len})."
... )
... raise ValueError(msg) from e


compute_log_probabilities(model_inputs: ModelInputs, model_outputs: ModelOutputs, next_tokens: Tensor, batch_top_n: list[int], batch_echo: list[bool]) → list[max.pipelines.response.LogProbabilities | None] | None

Optional method that can be overridden to compute log probabilities.

  • Parameters:

    • model_inputs – Inputs to the model returned by prepare_*_token_inputs().
    • model_outputs – Outputs returned by execute().
    • next_tokens – Sampled tokens. Should have shape=[batch size]
    • batch_top_n – Number of top log probabilities to return per input in the batch. For any element where top_n == 0, the LogProbabilities is skipped.
    • batch_echo – Whether to include input tokens in the returned log probabilities.
  • Returns:

    List of log probabilities.


classmethod estimate_weights_size(pipeline_config: PipelineConfig) → int

Calculates the estimated memory consumption of our model.


abstract execute(model_inputs: ModelInputs, kv_cache_inputs: Sequence[Tensor] | None = None) → ModelOutputs

Executes the graph with the given inputs.

  • Parameters:

    • model_inputs – The model inputs to execute, containing tensors and any other required data for model execution.
    • kv_cache_inputs – The kv cache inputs to execute, containing tensors and any other required data for model execution.
  • Returns:

    ModelOutputs containing the pipeline’s output tensors.

This is an abstract method that must be implemented by concrete PipelineModels to define their specific execution logic.


abstract classmethod get_kv_params(pipeline_config: PipelineConfig) → KVCacheParams

Returns the KV cache params for the pipeline model.


abstract classmethod get_num_layers(pipeline_config: PipelineConfig) → int

Returns the number of layers for the pipeline model.


classmethod infer_optimal_batch_size(pipeline_config: PipelineConfig, available_cache_memory: int) → int

Returns the estimated optimal batch size to run the model given current memory constraints.


abstract prepare_initial_token_inputs(context_batch: Sequence[T]) → ModelInputs

Prepares the initial inputs to be passed to .execute().

The inputs and functionality of this method can vary per model. For example, the model inputs could include:

  • Encoded tensors
  • A unique IDs for each tensor if this model uses a KV Cache manager.

This function would batch the encoded tensors, claim a slot in the kv cache if the ID hasn’t been seen before, and return the inputs and caches as a list of tensors.


abstract prepare_next_token_inputs(next_tokens: Tensor, prev_model_inputs: ModelInputs) → ModelInputs

Prepares the secondary inputs to be passed to .execute().

While prepare_initial_token_inputs is responsible for managing the initial inputs. This function is responsible for updating the inputs, for each step in a multi-step execution pattern.


class max.pipelines.pipeline.TextGenerationPipeline(pipeline_config: PipelineConfig, pipeline_model: Type[PipelineModel], eos_token_id: int)

Generalized token generator pipeline.


calculate_num_steps(num_steps: int, context: T) → int


next_token(batch: dict[str, T], num_steps: int) → list[dict[str, Any]]

Provided a batch, process batch inputs, execute the graph for num_steps in a multi-step scenario, then decode the tokens holistically and return the list of decoded tokens.


prepare_batch(batch: list[T], num_steps: int) → tuple[max.pipelines.pipeline.ModelInputs, Any, int, Optional[torch.Tensor]]


release(context: T) → None

Mark the context as complete, releasing the cache slot from the KV manager.


sample_logits(logits: Tensor, prev_tokens: Tensor, bitmask: Tensor | None) → tuple[max.driver.tensor.Tensor, max.driver.tensor.Tensor]


max.pipelines.pipeline.upper_bounded_default(upper_bound: int, default: int | None) → int

Given an upper bound and an optional default value, returns a final value that cannot exceed the upper bound.

  • Parameters:

    • default – The default value to use, or None to use the upper bound.
    • upper_bound – The upper bound to use.
  • Raises:

    ValueError – If the provided default value exceeds the upper bound.

  • Returns:

    The final value.