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Mojo function


assert_equal[T: Testable](lhs: T, rhs: T, msg: String = "", *, location: Optional[_SourceLocation] = #kgen.none)

Asserts that the input values are equal. If it is not then an Error is raised.


  • ​T (Testable): A Testable type.


  • ​lhs (T): The lhs of the equality.
  • ​rhs (T): The rhs of the equality.
  • ​msg (String): The message to be printed if the assertion fails.
  • ​location (Optional[_SourceLocation]): The location of the error (default to the __call_location).


An Error with the provided message if assert fails and None otherwise.

assert_equal(lhs: String, rhs: String, msg: String = "", *, location: Optional[_SourceLocation] = #kgen.none)

Asserts that the input values are equal. If it is not then an Error is raised.


  • ​lhs (String): The lhs of the equality.
  • ​rhs (String): The rhs of the equality.
  • ​msg (String): The message to be printed if the assertion fails.
  • ​location (Optional[_SourceLocation]): The location of the error (default to the __call_location).


An Error with the provided message if assert fails and None otherwise.

assert_equal[type: DType, size: Int](lhs: SIMD[type, size], rhs: SIMD[type, size], msg: String = "", *, location: Optional[_SourceLocation] = #kgen.none)

Asserts that the input values are equal. If it is not then an Error is raised.


  • ​type (DType): The dtype of the left- and right-hand-side SIMD vectors.
  • ​size (Int): The width of the left- and right-hand-side SIMD vectors.


  • ​lhs (SIMD[type, size]): The lhs of the equality.
  • ​rhs (SIMD[type, size]): The rhs of the equality.
  • ​msg (String): The message to be printed if the assertion fails.
  • ​location (Optional[_SourceLocation]): The location of the error (default to the __call_location).


An Error with the provided message if assert fails and None otherwise.

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