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Mojo function


isclose[type: DType, simd_width: Int](a: SIMD[type, simd_width], b: SIMD[type, simd_width], *, atol: SIMD[type, 1] = SIMD(#kgen.float_literal<1|100000000>), rtol: SIMD[type, 1] = SIMD(#kgen.float_literal<1|100000>), equal_nan: Bool = False) -> SIMD[bool, simd_width]

Checks if the two input values are numerically within a tolerance.

When the type is integral, then equality is checked. When the type is floating point, then this checks if the two input values are numerically the close using the abs(ab)<=max(rtolmax(abs(a),abs(b)),atol)abs(a - b) <= max(rtol * max(abs(a), abs(b)), atol) formula.

Unlike Pythons's math.isclose, this implementation is symmetric. I.e. isclose(a,b) == isclose(b,a).


  • type (DType): The dtype of the input and output SIMD vector.
  • simd_width (Int): The width of the input and output SIMD vector.


  • a (SIMD[type, simd_width]): The first value to compare.
  • b (SIMD[type, simd_width]): The second value to compare.
  • atol (SIMD[type, 1]): The absolute tolerance.
  • rtol (SIMD[type, 1]): The relative tolerance.
  • equal_nan (Bool): Whether to treat nans as equal.


A boolean vector where a and b are equal within the specified tolerance.