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Mojo struct


@register_passable(trivial) struct LayoutTensorIter[type: DType, layout: Layout, /, *, mut: Bool = True, origin: Origin[mut] = SomeAnyOrigin, address_space: AddressSpace = AddressSpace(0), alignment: Int = alignof[::DType,__mlir_type.!]() if is_nvidia_gpu() else 1, circular: Bool = False, axis: OptionalReg[Int] = OptionalReg[Int]({:i1 0, 1}), layout_bitwidth: Int = bitwidthof[::DType,__mlir_type.!](), masked: Bool = False]

Iterate through a memory buffer and construct layout tensor.

The returned layout tensor is NOT vectorized. User should explicitly vectorize.


  • uint_type = SIMD[_get_unsigned_type(layout, address_space), 1]:


  • ptr (UnsafePointer[SIMD[type, 1], address_space=address_space, alignment=alignment, mut=mut, origin=origin]):
  • offset (SIMD[_get_unsigned_type(layout, address_space), 1]):
  • stride (SIMD[_get_unsigned_type(layout, address_space), 1]):
  • bound (SIMD[_get_unsigned_type(layout, address_space), 1]):
  • runtime_layout (RuntimeLayout[layout, bitwidth=layout_bitwidth]):
  • dimension_bound (SIMD[_get_unsigned_type(layout, address_space), 1]):
  • idx (SIMD[_get_unsigned_type(layout, address_space), 1]):

Implemented traits

AnyType, UnknownDestructibility



__init__() -> Self

Empty iterator, used as default value.

__init__(ptr: UnsafePointer[SIMD[type, 1], address_space=address_space, alignment=alignment, mut=mut, origin=origin], bound: SIMD[_get_unsigned_type(layout, address_space), 1], stride: SIMD[_get_unsigned_type(layout, address_space), 1] = SIMD(layout.size()), offset: SIMD[_get_unsigned_type(layout, address_space), 1] = __init__[__mlir_type.!kgen.int_literal](0)) -> Self

__init__(ptr: UnsafePointer[SIMD[type, 1], address_space=address_space, alignment=alignment, mut=mut, origin=origin], bound: SIMD[_get_unsigned_type(layout, address_space), 1], runtime_layout: RuntimeLayout[layout, bitwidth=bitwidth], stride: SIMD[_get_unsigned_type(layout, address_space), 1] = SIMD(layout.size() if layout.all_dims_known() else -1), offset: SIMD[_get_unsigned_type(layout, address_space), 1] = __init__[__mlir_type.!kgen.int_literal](0), dimension_bound: SIMD[_get_unsigned_type(layout, address_space), 1] = __init__[__mlir_type.!kgen.int_literal](0), idx: SIMD[_get_unsigned_type(layout, address_space), 1] = __init__[__mlir_type.!kgen.int_literal](0)) -> Self


__getitem__(self) -> LayoutTensor[type, layout, mut=mut, origin=origin, address_space=address_space, masked=masked, alignment=alignment]

Return the layout tensor at current iterator.


__iadd__[T: Intable](mut self, rhs: T)

Increment the iterator.

This function is unsafe. It omits bound checking for performance reasons. Caller must make sure index doesn't go out-of-bound.

__iadd__(mut self, rhs: SIMD[_get_unsigned_type(layout, address_space), 1])

Increment the iterator.

This function is unsafe. It omits bound checking for performance reasons. Caller must make sure index doesn't go out-of-bound.


get(self) -> LayoutTensor[type, layout, mut=mut, origin=origin, address_space=address_space, masked=masked, alignment=alignment]

Return the layout tensor at current iterator.


next[T: Intable](self, rhs: T) -> Self

Return an iterator pointing to the next rhs layout tensor.

next(self, rhs: SIMD[_get_unsigned_type(layout, address_space), 1] = __init__[__mlir_type.!kgen.int_literal](1)) -> Self


next_unsafe(self, rhs: SIMD[_get_unsigned_type(layout, address_space), 1] = __init__[__mlir_type.!kgen.int_literal](1)) -> Self

Return an iterator pointing to the next rhs layout tensor. This is the unsafe version and user must ensure rhs < bound / stride.


reshape[dst_layout: Layout](self) -> LayoutTensorIter[type, dst_layout, mut=mut, origin=origin, address_space=address_space, alignment=alignment, circular=circular, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth, masked=masked]

Reshape the iterator to a new layout.

This method creates a new iterator with a different layout while preserving the underlying data. The new layout must have the same total size as the original.


  • The destination layout must have the same total size as the original. - Both layouts must be contiguous. - Both layouts must have compile-time known dimensions.


  • dst_layout (Layout): The target layout to reshape to.


A new iterator with the specified layout.


bitcast[new_type: DType, *, address_space: AddressSpace = address_space, alignment: Int = alignment](self) -> LayoutTensorIter[new_type, layout, mut=mut, origin=origin, address_space=address_space, alignment=alignment, circular=circular, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth, masked=masked]

Reinterpret the iterator's underlying pointer as a different data type.

This method performs a bitcast operation, allowing you to view the same memory location as a different data type without copying or converting the data.


  • new_type (DType): The target data type to cast to.
  • address_space (AddressSpace): The memory address space for the new iterator (defaults to current).
  • alignment (Int): Memory alignment requirement for the new iterator (defaults to current).


A new LayoutTensorIter with the same layout but different data type.