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Mojo struct


@register_passable(trivial) struct LayoutTensor[dtype: DType, layout: Layout, /, *, mut: Bool = True, origin: Origin[mut] = SomeAnyOrigin, address_space: AddressSpace = AddressSpace(0), element_layout: Layout = __init__[::Origin[::Bool(IntTuple(1), IntTuple(1)), layout_bitwidth: Int = bitwidthof[::DType,__mlir_type.!](), masked: Bool = False, alignment: Int = alignof[::DType,__mlir_type.!]()]

This is a Tensor type that has a specified memory layout and rank. The following example demonstrate a LayoutTensor of float32 with a row major layout of shape (5, 4).

alias f32 = DType.float32
var tensor_5x4 = LayoutTensor[f32, Layout.row_major(5,4)].stack_allocation()
alias f32 = DType.float32
var tensor_5x4 = LayoutTensor[f32, Layout.row_major(5,4)].stack_allocation()


  • dtype (DType): The data type of the underlying pointer.
  • layout (Layout): The memory layout of the Tensor.
  • mut (Bool): The mutability of the underlying pointer.
  • origin (Origin[mut]): The origin of the underlying pointer.
  • address_space (AddressSpace): The address space of the underlying pointer.
  • element_layout (Layout): The memory layout of each element in the Tensor.
  • layout_bitwidth (Int): The bitwidth of each dimension of runtime layout.
  • masked (Bool): If true the tensor is masked and runtime layouts determine the shape.
  • alignment (Int): Alignment of the data pointer.


  • rank = layout.rank():
  • index_type = _get_index_type(layout, address_space):
  • uint_type = SIMD[_get_unsigned_type(layout, address_space), 1]:
  • element_size = element_layout.size():
  • element_type = SIMD[dtype, element_layout.size()]:


  • ptr (UnsafePointer[SIMD[dtype, 1], address_space=address_space, alignment=alignment, mut=mut, origin=origin]):
  • runtime_layout (RuntimeLayout[layout, bitwidth=layout_bitwidth]):
  • runtime_element_layout (RuntimeLayout[element_layout]):

Implemented traits

AnyType, CollectionElement, CollectionElementNew, Copyable, ExplicitlyCopyable, Movable, Stringable, UnknownDestructibility, Writable



@implicit __init__(ptr: UnsafePointer[SIMD[dtype, 1], address_space=address_space, alignment=alignment, mut=mut, origin=origin]) -> Self

Create a LayoutTensor with an UnsafePointer. Expect layout to be fully static.


  • ptr (UnsafePointer[SIMD[dtype, 1], address_space=address_space, alignment=alignment, mut=mut, origin=origin]): The UnsafePointer pointing to the underlying data.

__init__(ptr: UnsafePointer[SIMD[dtype, 1], address_space=address_space, alignment=alignment, mut=mut, origin=origin], runtime_layout: RuntimeLayout[layout, bitwidth=bitwidth]) -> Self

Create a LayoutTensor with an UnsafePointer. Expect element layout to be fully static.


  • ptr (UnsafePointer[SIMD[dtype, 1], address_space=address_space, alignment=alignment, mut=mut, origin=origin]): The UnsafePointer pointing to the underlying data.
  • runtime_layout (RuntimeLayout[layout, bitwidth=bitwidth]): The runtime layout of the LayoutTensor.

__init__(ptr: UnsafePointer[SIMD[dtype, 1], address_space=address_space, alignment=alignment, mut=mut, origin=origin], runtime_layout: RuntimeLayout[layout, bitwidth=layout_bitwidth], element_runtime_layout: RuntimeLayout[element_layout]) -> Self

Create a LayoutTensor with an UnsafePointer, a runtime layout of the Tensor, the runtime layout of each element.


  • ptr (UnsafePointer[SIMD[dtype, 1], address_space=address_space, alignment=alignment, mut=mut, origin=origin]): The UnsafePointer pointing to the underlying data.
  • runtime_layout (RuntimeLayout[layout, bitwidth=layout_bitwidth]): The runtime layout of the LayoutTensor.
  • element_runtime_layout (RuntimeLayout[element_layout]): The runtime layout of each element.

@implicit __init__(device_buffer: DeviceBuffer[dtype, address_space, mut, origin]) -> Self

Create a LayoutTensor from a DeviceBuffer. The layout must have statically known dimensions.

from import DeviceContext, DeviceBuffer
from layout import Layout, LayoutTensor

alias dtype = DType.float32

var ctx = DeviceContext()
var dev_buf = ctx.enqueue_create_buffer[dtype](8)

alias layout = Layout.row_major(4, 4)
var tensor = LayoutTensor[dtype, layout](dev_buf)
from import DeviceContext, DeviceBuffer
from layout import Layout, LayoutTensor

alias dtype = DType.float32

var ctx = DeviceContext()
var dev_buf = ctx.enqueue_create_buffer[dtype](8)

alias layout = Layout.row_major(4, 4)
var tensor = LayoutTensor[dtype, layout](dev_buf)


  • device_buffer (DeviceBuffer[dtype, address_space, mut, origin]): Contains the underlying data to point to.

__init__(device_buffer: DeviceBuffer[dtype, address_space, mut, origin], runtime_layout: RuntimeLayout[layout, bitwidth=bitwidth]) -> Self

Create a LayoutTensor from a DeviceBuffer. The layout must have statically known dimensions.


  • device_buffer (DeviceBuffer[dtype, address_space, mut, origin]): The DeviceBuffer containing to the underlying data.
  • runtime_layout (RuntimeLayout[layout, bitwidth=bitwidth]): The runtime layout of the LayoutTensor.

__init__(device_buffer: DeviceBuffer[dtype, address_space, mut, origin], runtime_layout: RuntimeLayout[layout, bitwidth=layout_bitwidth], element_runtime_layout: RuntimeLayout[element_layout]) -> Self

Create a LayoutTensor from a DeviceBuffer, a runtime layout of the Tensor, and the runtime layout of each element.


  • device_buffer (DeviceBuffer[dtype, address_space, mut, origin]): The DeviceBuffer containing to the underlying data.
  • runtime_layout (RuntimeLayout[layout, bitwidth=layout_bitwidth]): The runtime layout of the LayoutTensor.
  • element_runtime_layout (RuntimeLayout[element_layout]): The runtime layout of each element.


__getitem__(self, *dims: Int) -> SIMD[dtype, element_layout.size()]

Get the element of the tensor with a specified index. Note that the size of index has to match the rank of the tensor.


  • *dims (Int): The indexes that specify which element to retrieve.


__setitem__(self, d0: Int, val: SIMD[dtype, element_layout.size()])

Set the element of the tensor with a specified index and value.


  • d0 (Int): The first dimensional index.
  • val (SIMD[dtype, element_layout.size()]): The value writing to the tensor.

__setitem__(self, d0: Int, d1: Int, val: SIMD[dtype, element_layout.size()])

Set the element of the tensor with a specified index and value.


  • d0 (Int): The first dimensional index.
  • d1 (Int): The second dimensional index.
  • val (SIMD[dtype, element_layout.size()]): The value writing to the tensor.

__setitem__(self, d0: Int, d1: Int, d2: Int, val: SIMD[dtype, element_layout.size()])

Set the element of the tensor with a specified index and value.


  • d0 (Int): The first dimensional index.
  • d1 (Int): The second dimensional index.
  • d2 (Int): The third dimensional index.
  • val (SIMD[dtype, element_layout.size()]): The value writing to the tensor.

__setitem__(self, d0: Int, d1: Int, d2: Int, d3: Int, val: SIMD[dtype, element_layout.size()])

Set the element of the tensor with a specified index and value.


  • d0 (Int): The first dimensional index.
  • d1 (Int): The second dimensional index.
  • d2 (Int): The third dimensional index.
  • d3 (Int): The fourth dimensional index.
  • val (SIMD[dtype, element_layout.size()]): The value writing to the tensor.


__add__(self, other: SIMD[dtype, 1]) -> LayoutTensor[dtype, layout, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth, masked=masked, alignment=alignment]

Add the LayoutTensor with a scalar value. The scalar value will be broadcasted to the entire tensor.


  • other (SIMD[dtype, 1]): The scalar value.

__add__[other_layout: Layout](self, other: LayoutTensor[dtype, other_layout, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth]) -> LayoutTensor[dtype, layout, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth, masked=masked, alignment=alignment]

Do an addition with another LayoutTensor and return the added tensor. Currently only support tensors of the same shape if the rank is the same and also tensors of rank-2.


  • other_layout (Layout): The layout of the other tensor.


  • other (LayoutTensor[dtype, other_layout, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth]): The other tensor to be added to.


__sub__(self, other: SIMD[dtype, 1]) -> LayoutTensor[dtype, layout, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth, masked=masked, alignment=alignment]

Subtract the LayoutTensor with a scalar value. The scalar value will be broadcasted to the entire tensor.


  • other (SIMD[dtype, 1]): The scalar value.

__sub__[other_layout: Layout](self, other: LayoutTensor[dtype, other_layout, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth]) -> LayoutTensor[dtype, layout, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth, masked=masked, alignment=alignment]

Do an subtraction with another LayoutTensor and return the subtracted tensor. Currently only support tensors of the same shape if the rank is the same and also tensors of rank-2.


  • other_layout (Layout): The layout of the other tensor.


  • other (LayoutTensor[dtype, other_layout, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth]): The other tensor to be subtract from.


__mul__(self, other: SIMD[dtype, 1]) -> LayoutTensor[dtype, layout, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth, masked=masked, alignment=alignment]

Multiply the LayoutTensor with a scalar value. The scalar value will be broadcasted to the entire tensor.


  • other (SIMD[dtype, 1]): The scalar value.

__mul__[other_layout: Layout](self, other: LayoutTensor[dtype, other_layout, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth]) -> LayoutTensor[dtype, layout, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth, masked=masked, alignment=alignment]

Perform a multiplication with another LayoutTensor and return the resulting tensor.

Currently, only tensors of the same shape are supported if the ranks are the same. Additionally, tensors of rank-2 are supported.


  • other_layout (Layout): The layout of the other tensor.


  • other (LayoutTensor[dtype, other_layout, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth]): The other tensor to be multiplied with.


The resulting tensor after multiplication.


__truediv__(self, other: SIMD[dtype, 1]) -> LayoutTensor[dtype, layout, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth, masked=masked, alignment=alignment]

Truediv the LayoutTensor with a scalar value. The scalar value will be broadcasted to the entire tensor.


  • other (SIMD[dtype, 1]): The scalar value.

__truediv__[other_layout: Layout](self, other: LayoutTensor[dtype, other_layout, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth]) -> LayoutTensor[dtype, layout, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth, masked=masked, alignment=alignment]

Do an truediv with another LayoutTensor and return the divided tensor. Currently only support tensors of the same shape if the rank is the same and also tensors of rank-2.


  • other_layout (Layout): The layout of the other tensor.


  • other (LayoutTensor[dtype, other_layout, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth]): The other tensor to be subtract from.


__iadd__(self, other: SIMD[dtype, 1])

Adds scalar value to the LayoutTensor. The scalar value will be broadcasted to the entire tensor.


  • other (SIMD[dtype, 1]): The scalar value.

__iadd__[other_layout: Layout](self, other: LayoutTensor[dtype, other_layout, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth])

Do an addition with another LayoutTensor in place. Currently only support tensors of the same shape if the rank is the same and also tensors of rank-2.


  • other_layout (Layout): The layout of the other tensor.


  • other (LayoutTensor[dtype, other_layout, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth]): The other tensor to be added to.


__isub__(self, other: SIMD[dtype, 1])

Subtract scalar value from the LayoutTensor. The scalar value will be broadcasted to the entire tensor.


  • other (SIMD[dtype, 1]): The scalar value.

__isub__[other_layout: Layout](self, other: LayoutTensor[dtype, other_layout, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth])

Subtracts other from the LayoutTensor. Currently only support tensors of the same shape if the rank is the same and also tensors of rank-2.


  • other_layout (Layout): The layout of the other tensor.


  • other (LayoutTensor[dtype, other_layout, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth]): The other tensor to be subtract from.


__imul__(self, other: SIMD[dtype, 1])

Multiply the LayoutTensor with a scalar value inplace. The scalar value will be broadcasted to the entire tensor.


  • other (SIMD[dtype, 1]): The scalar value.

__imul__[other_layout: Layout](self, other: LayoutTensor[dtype, other_layout, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth])

Do a multiplication with another LayoutTensor in place. Currently only support tensors of the same shape if the rank is the same and also tensors of rank-2.


  • other_layout (Layout): The layout of the other tensor.


  • other (LayoutTensor[dtype, other_layout, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth]): The other tensor to be added to.


__itruediv__(self, other: SIMD[dtype, 1])

Truediv the LayoutTensor with a scalar value. The scalar value will be broadcasted to the entire tensor.


  • other (SIMD[dtype, 1]): The scalar value.

__itruediv__[other_layout: Layout](self, other: LayoutTensor[dtype, other_layout, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth])

Do an truediv with another LayoutTensor and return the divided tensor. Currently only support tensors of the same shape if the rank is the same and also tensors of rank-2.


  • other_layout (Layout): The layout of the other tensor.


  • other (LayoutTensor[dtype, other_layout, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth]): The other tensor to be subtract from.


copy(self) -> Self

Explicitly copy the other LayoutTensor.


A copy of the value.


bitcast[new_type: DType, /, address_space: AddressSpace = address_space, element_layout: Layout = element_layout](self) -> LayoutTensor[new_type, layout, mut=mut, origin=origin, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, masked=masked]

Bitcast the underlying pointer to a new data type.


  • new_type (DType): The new data type it is casting to.
  • address_space (AddressSpace): The address space of the returned LayoutTensor.
  • element_layout (Layout): The element layout of the returned LayoutTensor.


origin_cast[mut: Bool = mut, origin: Origin[$0] = (mutcast origin._mlir_origin)](self) -> LayoutTensor[dtype, layout, mut=mut, origin=origin, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth, masked=masked, alignment=alignment]

Changes the origin or mutability of a pointer.


  • mut (Bool): Whether the origin is mutable.
  • origin (Origin[$0]): Origin of the destination pointer.


A new UnsafePointer object with the same type and the same address, as the original UnsafePointer and the new specified mutability and origin.


load[width: Int](self, m: Int, n: Int) -> SIMD[dtype, width]

Load a value from a specified location.


  • width (Int): The simd width of the returned value.


  • m (Int): The m dimension of the value.
  • n (Int): The n dimension of the value.


prefetch(self, m: Int, n: Int)

Do software prefetching of a value from a specified location.


  • m (Int): The m dimension of the value.
  • n (Int): The n dimension of the value.


aligned_load[width: Int](self, m: Int, n: Int) -> SIMD[dtype, width]

Do a load with a specified alignment base on the dtype and simd width.


  • width (Int): The simd width if the returned value.


  • m (Int): The m dimension of the value.
  • n (Int): The n dimension of the value.


store[width: Int](self, m: Int, n: Int, val: SIMD[dtype, width])

Store a value to a specified location.


  • width (Int): The simd width of the stored value.


  • m (Int): The m dimensional index to the tensor.
  • n (Int): The n dimensional index to the tensor.
  • val (SIMD[dtype, width]): The value to be stored.


aligned_store[width: Int](self, m: Int, n: Int, val: SIMD[dtype, width])

Do a store with a specified alignment base on the dtype and simd width.


  • width (Int): The simd width if the stored value.


  • m (Int): The m dimensional index to the tensor.
  • n (Int): The n dimensional index to the tensor.
  • val (SIMD[dtype, width]): The value to be stored.


static stack_allocation[*, alignment: Int = alignment]() -> LayoutTensor[dtype, layout, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth, masked=masked, alignment=alignment]

Allocates stack memory for a LayoutTensor. Expects layout to be fully static.


  • alignment (Int): Alignment of the allocation. It must be multiple of the tensor's alignment, which is the minimum required by arch, instruction, etc.


static shape[idx: Int]() -> Int

Returns the shape of the tensor given a index.


  • idx (Int): The index to the shape of the tensor.


static stride[idx: Int]() -> Int

Returns the stride of the tensor given a index.


  • idx (Int): The index to the stride of the tensor.


dim(self, idx: Int) -> Int

Returns the dimension of the tensor given a index.

Arguments: idx: The index to the dimension of the tensor.


coalesce(self) -> LayoutTensor[dtype, coalesce(layout, False), mut=mut, origin=origin, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout]

Returns a LayoutTensor with a coalesced Layout.


tile[*tile_sizes: Int](self, *tile_coords: Int) -> LayoutTensor[dtype, _compute_tile_layout[*::Int]().__getitem__(0), mut=mut, origin=origin, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, masked=masked if masked else _tile_is_masked[layout::layout::Layout,*::Int]()]

Tiles the layout and returns a tensor tile with the specified tile_sizes at specific tile coordinates.


Memory Layout of
[1 2 3 4]
[2 3 4 5]
[5 4 3 2]
[1 1 1 1]

tile[2, 2](1, 0) will give you
[5 4]
[1 1]
Memory Layout of
[1 2 3 4]
[2 3 4 5]
[5 4 3 2]
[1 1 1 1]

tile[2, 2](1, 0) will give you
[5 4]
[1 1]


  • *tile_sizes (Int): The tile sizes of the returned LayoutTensor.


  • *tile_coords (Int): The tile coordinate. This refer to the coordinate of the tile after the tiled layout. Consider the following example.


tiled_iterator[*tile_sizes: Int, *, axis: Int = 0](self, *tile_coords: Int) -> LayoutTensorIter[dtype, _compute_tile_layout[*::Int]().__getitem__(0), mut=mut, origin=origin, address_space=address_space, axis=OptionalReg[Int]({:_stdlib::_builtin::_int::_Int axis, 0}), layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth, masked=masked if masked else _tile_is_masked[layout::layout::Layout,*::Int]()]

Returns the tiled iterator of the LayoutTensor.


  • *tile_sizes (Int): Tile sizes of each tile the iterator will iterate through.
  • axis (Int): Axis of the LayoutTensor the iterator will iterate through.


  • *tile_coords (Int): The tile coordinate that the iterator will point to.


split[count: Int, axis: Int = 0](self) -> StaticTuple[LayoutTensor[dtype, _compute_tile_layout[::Int,::Int]().__getitem__(0), mut=mut, origin=origin, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, alignment=alignment], count]

Split the LayoutTensor along a axis and return an InlineArray of LayoutTensor.


  • count (Int): Number of portion to split.
  • axis (Int): The axis where the split is applied to.

split[axis: Int = 0, alignment: Int = 1](self, count: Int, idx: Int) -> LayoutTensor[dtype, layout.make_shape_unknown[::Int](), mut=mut, origin=origin, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout]


distribute[threads_layout: Layout, axis: OptionalReg[Int] = OptionalReg[Int]({:i1 0, 1}), swizzle: OptionalReg[Swizzle] = OptionalReg[Swizzle]({:i1 0, 1}), submode_axis: OptionalReg[Int] = OptionalReg[Int]({:i1 0, 1})](self, thread_id: UInt) -> LayoutTensor[dtype, _compute_distribute_layout[layout::layout::Layout,layout::layout::Layout,stdlib::collections::optional::OptionalReg[::Int]]().__getitem__(1), mut=mut, origin=origin, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, masked=masked if masked else _distribute_is_masked[layout::layout::Layout,layout::layout::Layout,stdlib::collections::optional::OptionalReg[::Int]]()]

Distribute tiled workload to threads.

If the axis is given, for example, using axis = 0 for 4 threads: TH_0 TH_2 TH_1 TH_3 This means the tensor is only distributed to threads in axis = 0, i.e., threads 0 and 1. Threads 2 and 3 gets the same tile as 0 and 1, respectively. This is useful when threads load same vectors from a row in A matrix and some threads share the same vector.


vectorize[*vector_shape: Int](self) -> LayoutTensor[dtype, coalesce(_compute_tile_layout[*::Int]().__getitem__(1), True), mut=mut, origin=origin, address_space=address_space, element_layout=_divide_tiles[*::Int]().__getitem__(0), masked=masked]


slice[d0_slice: Slice, d1_slice: Slice](self) -> LayoutTensor[dtype, _compute_slice_layout(d0_slice, d1_slice), mut=mut, origin=origin, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout]

slice[d0_slice: Slice, d1_slice: Slice, slice_indices: Index[2], __offset_dims: Int = (layout.rank() + -2)](self, offsets: Index[__offset_dims]) -> LayoutTensor[dtype, _compute_slice_layout(d0_slice, d1_slice, slice_indices.__getitem__[::Indexer](0), slice_indices.__getitem__[::Indexer](1)), mut=mut, origin=origin, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout]


slice_1d[d0_slice: Slice, slice_indices: Index[1], __offset_dims: Int = (layout.rank() + -1)](self, offsets: Index[__offset_dims]) -> LayoutTensor[dtype, _compute_slice_layout(d0_slice, slice_indices.__getitem__[::Indexer](0)), mut=mut, origin=origin, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout]


transpose[M: Int = shape[::Int](), N: Int = shape[::Int]()](self) -> LayoutTensor[dtype, composition(layout, __init__[::Origin[::Bool(IntTuple(N, M), IntTuple(M, 1))), mut=mut, origin=origin, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout]


reshape[dst_layout: Layout](self) -> LayoutTensor[dtype, dst_layout, mut=mut, origin=origin, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, masked=masked]


composition[rhs_layout: Layout, dst_layout: Layout = composition(layout, $0)](self) -> LayoutTensor[dtype, dst_layout, mut=mut, origin=origin, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout]


distance[_uint_dtype: DType = uint32 if (address_space == AddressSpace(3)) else uint64](self, addr: UnsafePointer[SIMD[dtype, 1], address_space=address_space]) -> SIMD[_uint_dtype, 1]

Returns the distance from the input address.

distance[_layout: Layout, _uint_dtype: DType = _get_unsigned_type($0, address_space)](self, src: LayoutTensor[dtype, _layout, address_space=address_space]) -> SIMD[_uint_dtype, 1]

Returns the distance from the input address.


copy_from(self, other: LayoutTensor[dtype, layout, mut=mut, origin=origin, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth, masked=masked, alignment=alignment])


copy_from_async[is_masked: Bool = False, swizzle: OptionalReg[Swizzle] = OptionalReg[Swizzle]({:i1 0, 1}), fill: Fill = Fill(0), eviction_policy: CacheEviction = CacheEviction(0)](self, src: LayoutTensor[dtype, layout, mut=mut, origin=origin, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth, masked=masked, alignment=alignment], src_idx_bound: SIMD[_get_index_type(layout, address_space), 1] = __init__[__mlir_type.!kgen.int_literal](0), base_offset: SIMD[_get_unsigned_type(layout, address_space), 1] = __init__[__mlir_type.!kgen.int_literal](0))


fill(self: LayoutTensor[dtype, layout, origin=origin, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth, masked=masked, alignment=alignment], val: SIMD[dtype, 1]) -> LayoutTensor[dtype, layout, origin=origin, address_space=address_space, element_layout=element_layout, layout_bitwidth=layout_bitwidth, masked=masked, alignment=alignment]


__str__(self) -> String


write_to[W: Writer](self, mut writer: W)

Format 2D tensor in 2D, otherwise print all values in column major coordinate order.