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Mojo struct


struct Random[rounds: Int = 6]

A high-performance random number generator using the Philox algorithm.

The Philox algorithm is a counter-based random number generator designed for parallel and GPU computing. It provides high-quality random numbers with excellent statistical properties.


  • rounds (Int): Number of mixing rounds to perform. Higher values provide better statistical quality at the cost of performance. Default is 6.

Implemented traits

AnyType, UnknownDestructibility



__init__(out self, *, seed: SIMD[uint64, 1] = __init__[__mlir_type.!pop.int_literal](0), subsequence: SIMD[uint64, 1] = __init__[__mlir_type.!pop.int_literal](0), offset: SIMD[uint64, 1] = __init__[__mlir_type.!pop.int_literal](0))

Initialize the random number generator.


  • seed (SIMD[uint64, 1]): Initial seed value for reproducible sequences. Default is 0.
  • subsequence (SIMD[uint64, 1]): Subsequence number for generating independent streams. Default is 0.
  • offset (SIMD[uint64, 1]): Starting offset in the sequence. Default is 0.


step(mut self) -> SIMD[uint32, 4]

Generate 4 random 32-bit unsigned integers.


SIMD vector containing 4 random 32-bit unsigned integers.


step_uniform(mut self) -> SIMD[float32, 4]

Generate 4 random floating point numbers uniformly distributed in [0,1).


SIMD vector containing 4 random float32 values in range [0,1).