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Mojo module


Implements basic object methods for working with strings.

These are Mojo built-ins, so you don't need to import them.



  • ​StringRepresentable: The StringRepresentable trait denotes a trait composition of the Stringable and Representable traits.


  • ​ascii: Get the ASCII representation of the object.
  • ​atof: Parses the given string as a floating point and returns that value.
  • ​atol: Parses and returns the given string as an integer in the given base.
  • ​chr: Returns a string based on the given Unicode code point.
  • ​isdigit: Determines whether the given character is a digit [0-9].
  • ​islower: Determines whether the given character is an lowercase character.
  • ​isprintable: Determines whether the given character is a printable character.
  • ​isupper: Determines whether the given character is an uppercase character.
  • ​ord: Returns an integer that represents the given one-character string.

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