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Mojo trait


A trait composition for types which implement all requirements of dictionary keys and Stringable.

Implemented traits

AnyType, CollectionElement, Copyable, EqualityComparable, Hashable, KeyElement, Movable, Representable



__copyinit__(inout self: T, existing: T, /)

Create a new instance of the value by copying an existing one.


  • existing (T): The value to copy.


__moveinit__(inout self: T, owned existing: T, /)

Create a new instance of the value by moving the value of another.


  • existing (T): The value to move.


__eq__(self: T, other: T) -> Bool

Define whether two instances of the object are equal to each other.


  • other (T): Another instance of the same type.


True if the instances are equal according to the type's definition of equality, False otherwise.


__ne__(self: T, other: T) -> Bool

Define whether two instances of the object are not equal to each other.


  • other (T): Another instance of the same type.


True if the instances are not equal according to the type's definition of equality, False otherwise.


__hash__(self: T) -> UInt

Return a 64-bit hash of the type's data.


A 64-bit integer hash of this instance's data.


__repr__(self: T) -> String

Get the string representation of the type instance, if possible, compatible with Mojo syntax.


The string representation of the instance.

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