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Mojo struct


@register_passable(trivial) struct DType

Represents DType and provides methods for working with it.


  • type = dtype:
  • invalid: Represents an invalid or unknown data type.
  • bool: Represents a boolean data type.
  • int8: Represents a signed integer type whose bitwidth is 8.
  • uint8: Represents an unsigned integer type whose bitwidth is 8.
  • int16: Represents a signed integer type whose bitwidth is 16.
  • uint16: Represents an unsigned integer type whose bitwidth is 16.
  • int32: Represents a signed integer type whose bitwidth is 32.
  • uint32: Represents an unsigned integer type whose bitwidth is 32.
  • int64: Represents a signed integer type whose bitwidth is 64.
  • uint64: Represents an unsigned integer type whose bitwidth is 64.
  • int128 = si128: Represents a signed integer type whose bitwidth is 128.
  • uint128 = ui128: Represents an unsigned integer type whose bitwidth is 128.
  • int256 = si256: Represents a signed integer type whose bitwidth is 256.
  • uint256 = ui256: Represents an unsigned integer type whose bitwidth is 256.
  • float8_e5m2: Represents a FP8E5M2 floating point format from the OFP8 standard. The 8 bits are encoded as seeeeemm:
    • (s)ign: 1 bit
    • (e)xponent: 5 bits
    • (m)antissa: 2 bits
    • exponent bias: 15
    • nan: {0,1}11111{01,10,11}
    • inf: 01111100
    • -inf: 11111100
    • -0: 10000000
  • float8_e5m2fnuz: Represents a FP8E5M2FNUZ floating point format. The 8 bits are encoded as seeeeemm:
    • (s)ign: 1 bit
    • (e)xponent: 5 bits
    • (m)antissa: 2 bits
    • exponent bias: 16
    • nan: 10000000
    • fn: finite (no inf or -inf encodings)
    • uz: unsigned zero (no -0 encoding)
  • float8_e4m3: Represents a FP8E4M3 floating point format from the OFP8 standard. The 8 bits are encoded as seeeemmm:
    • (s)ign: 1 bit
    • (e)xponent: 4 bits
    • (m)antissa: 3 bits
    • exponent bias: 7
    • nan: 01111111, 11111111
    • -0: 10000000
  • float8_e4m3fn: Represents a FP8E4M3 floating point format from the OFP8 standard. The 8 bits are encoded as seeeemmm:
    • (s)ign: 1 bit
    • (e)xponent: 4 bits
    • (m)antissa: 3 bits
    • exponent bias: 7
    • nan: 01111111, 11111111
    • -0: 10000000
    • fn: finite (no inf or -inf encodings)
  • float8_e3m4: Represents a FP8E3M4 floating point format from the OFP8 standard. The 8 bits are encoded as seeeemmm:
    • (s)ign: 1 bit
    • (e)xponent: 3 bits
    • (m)antissa: 4 bits
    • exponent bias: 6
    • nan: 00111111, 11111111
    • -0: 10000000
    • fn: finite (no inf or -inf encodings)
  • float8_e4m3fnuz: Represents a FP8E4M3FNUZ floating point format. The 8 bits are encoded as seeeemmm:
    • (s)ign: 1 bit
    • (e)xponent: 4 bits
    • (m)antissa: 3 bits
    • exponent bias: 8
    • nan: 10000000
    • fn: finite (no inf or -inf encodings)
    • uz: unsigned zero (no -0 encoding)
  • bfloat16: Represents a brain floating point value whose bitwidth is 16.
  • float16: Represents an IEEE754-2008 binary16 floating point value.
  • float32: Represents an IEEE754-2008 binary32 floating point value.
  • tensor_float32: Represents a special floating point format supported by NVIDIA Tensor Cores, with the same range as float32 and reduced precision (>=10 bits). Note that this type is only available on NVIDIA GPUs.
  • float64: Represents an IEEE754-2008 binary64 floating point value.
  • index: Represents an integral type whose bitwidth is the maximum integral value on the system.


  • value (dtype): The underlying storage for the DType value.

Implemented traits

AnyType, CollectionElement, CollectionElementNew, Copyable, EqualityComparable, EqualityComparableCollectionElement, ExplicitlyCopyable, Hashable, KeyElement, Movable, Representable, Stringable, UnknownDestructibility, Writable, _HashableWithHasher



@implicit __init__(value: dtype) -> Self

Construct a DType from MLIR dtype.


  • value (dtype): The MLIR dtype.


__eq__(self, rhs: Self) -> Bool

Compares one DType to another for equality.


  • rhs (Self): The DType to compare against.


True if the DTypes are the same and False otherwise.


__ne__(self, rhs: Self) -> Bool

Compares one DType to another for inequality.


  • rhs (Self): The DType to compare against.


False if the DTypes are the same and True otherwise.


__is__(self, rhs: Self) -> Bool

Compares one DType to another for equality.


  • rhs (Self): The DType to compare against.


True if the DTypes are the same and False otherwise.


__isnot__(self, rhs: Self) -> Bool

Compares one DType to another for inequality.


  • rhs (Self): The DType to compare against.


True if the DTypes are the same and False otherwise.


copy(self) -> Self

Copy this DType.


A copy of the value.


__str__(self) -> String

Gets the name of the DType.


The name of the dtype.


write_to[W: Writer](self, mut writer: W)

Formats this dtype to the provided Writer.


  • W (Writer): A type conforming to the Writable trait.


  • writer (W): The object to write to.


__repr__(self) -> String

Gets the representation of the DType e.g. "DType.float32".


The representation of the dtype.


get_value(self) -> dtype

Gets the associated internal kgen.dtype value.


The kgen.dtype value.


__hash__(self) -> UInt

Return a 64-bit hash for this DType value.


A 64-bit integer hash of this DType value.

__hash__[H: _Hasher](self, mut hasher: H)

Updates hasher with this DType value.


  • H (_Hasher): The hasher type.


  • hasher (H): The hasher instance.


is_unsigned(self) -> Bool

Returns True if the type parameter is unsigned and False otherwise.


Returns True if the input type parameter is unsigned.


is_signed(self) -> Bool

Returns True if the type parameter is signed and False otherwise.


Returns True if the input type parameter is signed.


is_integral(self) -> Bool

Returns True if the type parameter is an integer and False otherwise.


Returns True if the input type parameter is an integer.


is_floating_point(self) -> Bool

Returns True if the type parameter is a floating-point and False otherwise.


Returns True if the input type parameter is a floating-point.


is_float8(self) -> Bool

Returns True if the type is a 8bit-precision floating point type, e.g. float8_e5m2, float8_e5m2fnuz, float8_e4m3fn and float8_e4m3fnuz.


True if the type is a 8bit-precision float, false otherwise.


is_half_float(self) -> Bool

Returns True if the type is a half-precision floating point type, e.g. either fp16 or bf16.


True if the type is a half-precision float, false otherwise..


is_numeric(self) -> Bool

Returns True if the type parameter is numeric (i.e. you can perform arithmetic operations on).


Returns True if the input type parameter is either integral or floating-point.


sizeof(self) -> Int

Returns the size in bytes of the current DType.


Returns the size in bytes of the current DType.


bitwidth(self) -> Int

Returns the size in bits of the current DType.


Returns the size in bits of the current DType.


dispatch_integral[: origin.set, //, func: fn[DType]() capturing -> None](self)

Dispatches an integral function corresponding to the current DType.


DType must be integral.


  • func (fn[DType]() capturing -> None): A parametrized on dtype function to dispatch.


dispatch_floating[: origin.set, //, func: fn[DType]() capturing -> None](self)

Dispatches a floating-point function corresponding to the current DType.


DType must be floating-point or integral.


  • func (fn[DType]() capturing -> None): A parametrized on dtype function to dispatch.


dispatch_arithmetic[: origin.set, //, func: fn[DType]() capturing -> None](self)

Dispatches a function corresponding to the current DType.


  • func (fn[DType]() capturing -> None): A parametrized on dtype function to dispatch.