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Defines a Benchmark Info struct to record execution Statistics.


  • name (String): The name of the benchmark.
  • result (Report): The output report after executing a benchmark.
  • elems (Optional[Int]): Optional arg used to represent a specific metric like throughput.
  • measures (List[ThroughputMeasure]): Optional arg used to represent a list of ThroughputMeasure's.
  • verbose_timing (Bool): Whether to print verbose timing results.

Implemented traits

AnyType, CollectionElement, Copyable, Movable, Stringable



__init__(inout self: Self, name: String, result: Report, elems: Optional[Int], measures: List[ThroughputMeasure] = List(), verbose_timing: Bool = 0)

Constructs a Benchmark Info object to return Benchmark report and Stats.


  • name (String): The name of the benchmark.
  • result (Report): The output report after executing a benchmark.
  • elems (Optional[Int]): Optional arg used to represent a specific metric like throughput.
  • measures (List[ThroughputMeasure]): Optional arg used to represent a list of ThroughputMeasure's.
  • verbose_timing (Bool): Whether to print verbose timing results.