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Mojo struct


Defines a benchmark configuration struct to control execution times and frequency.


  • VERBOSE_TIMING_LABELS = "min (ms)", "mean (ms)", "max (ms)", "duration (ms)": Labels to print verbose timing results.


  • ​out_file (Optional[Path]): Output file to write results to.
  • ​min_runtime_secs (SIMD[float64, 1]): Upper bound on benchmarking time in secs.
  • ​max_runtime_secs (SIMD[float64, 1]): Lower bound on benchmarking time in secs.
  • ​max_batch_size (Int): The maximum number of iterations to perform per time measurement.
  • ​max_iters (Int): Max number of iterations to run.
  • ​warmup_iters (Int): Number of warmup iterations to run before starting benchmarking.
  • ​num_repetitions (Int): Number of times the benchmark has to be repeated.
  • ​flush_denormals (Bool): Whether or not the denormal values are flushed.
  • ​show_progress (Bool): Whether or not to show the progress of each benchmark.
  • ​tabular_view (Bool): Whether to print results in csv readable/tabular format.
  • ​verbose_timing (Bool): Whether to print verbose timing results.

Implemented traits​

AnyType, CollectionElement, Copyable, Movable



__init__(inout self: Self, out_file: Optional[Path] = #kgen.none, min_runtime_secs: SIMD[float64, 1] = #kgen.float_literal<1|10>, max_runtime_secs: SIMD[float64, 1] = 1, warmup_iters: Int = 2, max_batch_size: Int = 0, max_iters: Int = 1000000000, num_repetitions: Int = 1, flush_denormals: Bool = 1)

Constructs and initializes Benchmark config object with default and inputed values.


  • ​out_file (Optional[Path]): Output file to write results to.
  • ​min_runtime_secs (SIMD[float64, 1]): Upper bound on benchmarking time in secs (default 0.1).
  • ​max_runtime_secs (SIMD[float64, 1]): Lower bound on benchmarking time in secs (default 1).
  • ​warmup_iters (Int): Number of warmup iterations to run before starting benchmarking (default 2).
  • ​max_batch_size (Int): The maximum number of iterations to perform per time measurement.
  • ​max_iters (Int): Max number of iterations to run (default 1_000_000_000).
  • ​num_repetitions (Int): Number of times the benchmark has to be repeated.
  • ​flush_denormals (Bool): Whether or not the denormal values are flushed.

__init__(inout self: Self, *, other: Self)

Explicitly construct a deep copy of the provided value.


  • ​other (Self): The value to copy.

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