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Python integration

Our long-term goal is to make Mojo a superset of Python (that is, to make Mojo compatible with existing Python programs). Python programmers should be able to use Mojo immediately, and be able to access the huge ecosystem of Python packages that are available today.

However, Mojo is still in early development and many Python features are not yet implemented. You can't currently write everything in Mojo that you can write in Python. And Mojo doesn't have its own ecosystem of packages yet.

To help bridge this gap, Mojo lets you import Python modules, call Python functions and interact with Python objects from Mojo code. It runs Python code using a standard Python interpreter (CPython), so your existing Python code doesn't need to change.

Import a Python module

To import a Python module in Mojo, just call Python.import_module() with the module name:

from python import Python

fn use_array() raises:
# This is equivalent to Python's `import numpy as np`
var np = Python.import_module("numpy")

# Now use numpy as if writing in Python
var array = np.array([1, 2, 3])
[1 2 3]

Yes, this imports Python NumPy, and you can import any other Python module that you have installed.

A few things to note:

  • Currently, you cannot import individual members (such as a single Python class or function)—you must import the whole Python module and then access members through the module name.

  • Mojo doesn't yet support top-level code, so the import_module() call must be inside another method. This means you may need to import a module multiple times or pass around a reference to the module. This works the same way as Python: importing the module multiple times won't run the initialization logic more than once, so you don't pay any performance penalty.

  • import_module() may raise an exception (for example, if the module isn't installed). If you're using it inside an fn function, you need to either handle errors (using a try/except clause), or add the raises keyword to the function signature. You'll also see this when calling Python functions that may raise exceptions. (Raising exceptions is much more common in Python code than in the Mojo standard library, which limits their use for performance reasons.)


Mojo loads the Python interpreter and Python modules at runtime, so wherever you run a Mojo program, it must be able to access a compatible Python interpreter, and to locate any imported Python modules. For more information, see Python environment.

Import a local Python module

If you have some local Python code you want to use in Mojo, just add the directory to the Python path and then import the module.

For example, suppose you have a Python file named
import numpy as np

def gen_random_values(size, base):
# generate a size x size array of random numbers between base and base+1
random_array = np.random.rand(size, size)
return random_array + base

Here's how you can import it and use it in a Mojo file:

from python import Python

fn main() raises:
var mypython = Python.import_module("mypython")

var values = mypython.gen_random_values(2, 3)

Both absolute and relative paths work with add_to_path(). For example, you can import from the local directory like this:


Call Mojo from Python

As shown above, you can call out to Python modules from Mojo. However, there's currently no way to do the reverse—import Mojo modules from Python or call Mojo functions from Python.

This may present a challenge for using certain modules. For example, many UI frameworks have a main event loop that makes callbacks to user-defined code in response to UI events. This is sometimes called an "inversion of control" pattern. Instead of your application code calling in to a library, the framework code calls out to your application code.

This pattern doesn't work because you can't pass Mojo callbacks to a Python module.

For example, consider the popular Tkinter package. The typical usage for Tkinter is something like this:

  • You create a main, or "root" window for the application.
  • You add one or more UI widgets to the window. The widgets can have associated callback functions (for example, when a button is pushed).
  • You call the root window's mainloop() method, which listens for events, updates the UI, and invokes callback functions. The main loop keeps running until the application exits.

Since Python can't call back into Mojo, one alternative is to have the Mojo application drive the event loop and poll for updates. The following example uses Tkinter, but the basic approach can be applied to other packages.

First we create a Python module that defines a Tkinter interface, with a window and single button:

import tkinter as tk

class App:
def __init__(self):
self._root = tk.Tk()
self.clicked = False

def click(self):
self.clicked = True

def create_button(self, button_text: str):
button = tk.Button(
), rely=0.5, anchor=tk.CENTER)

def create(self, res: str):
self.create_button("Hello Mojo!")

def update(self):

We can call this module from Mojo like this:

from python import Python

fn button_clicked():
print("Hi from a Mojo🔥 fn!")

def main():
var app = Python.import_module("myapp").App()

while True:
if app.clicked:
app.clicked = False

Instead of the Python module calling the Tkinter mainloop() method, the Mojo code calls the update() method in a loop and checks the clicked attribute after each update.

Python environment

The Mojo SDK depends on an existing Python dynamic library. At runtime, Mojo uses the first Python in the search path (PATH), to find an associated dynamic Python library of the same version. This will also add any modules from the activated virtual environment.

Resolving issues

Finding libpython may fail if the Python interpreter on top of PATH does not have an associated dynamic library. Some Python distributions don't include the shared library, and others only have a static library which isn't supported by Mojo yet.

You can find a compatible Python on your system by running this Python script:

import os
import subprocess

import os
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from sysconfig import get_config_var
ext = "dll" if == "nt" else "dylib" if sys.platform == "darwin" else "so"
binary = f"libpython{get_config_var('py_version_short')}.{ext}"
for folder in [Path(get_config_var(p)) for p in ["LIBPL", "LIBDIR"]]:
libpython_path = folder / binary
if libpython_path.is_file():
FIND_PYTHON_VER = "import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_python_version())"

exe_names = ["python3", "python"] + [f"python3.{i}" for i in range(8, 13)]
seen = []
executables = []

print("Mojo will attempt to use the first python executable from the top:\n")
print("vers | compat | path")
for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(":"):
for exe in exe_names:
full_path = os.path.join(path, exe)
if os.path.exists(full_path):
pyver = subprocess.check_output([full_path, "-c", FIND_PYTHON_VER], text=True).strip()
res =[full_path, "-c", FIND_LIBPYTHON], text=True, capture_output=True)
libpython = res.stdout.strip()
if res.returncode != 0:
print(f"{pyver:<7} no {full_path}")
elif libpython not in seen:
print(f"{pyver:<7} yes {full_path}")

if not executables:
print("no compatible Python environments found")
print("\ncreate and activate a virtual environment to use a different Python version:")
print(f" {executables[-1]} -m venv .venv")
print(" source .venv/bin/activate")

Which will produce output like:

Mojo will attempt to use the first python executable from the top:

vers | compat | path
3.11 yes /opt/homebrew/opt/python@3.11/libexec/bin/python3
3.12 yes /opt/homebrew/bin/python3
3.9 yes /usr/bin/python3

create and activate a virtual environment to use a different Python version:
/usr/bin/python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

If you have no compatible environment, you can install a compatible version of Python that includes shared libraries. Try following the instructions in Set up a Python environment with Conda to install a virtual environment.

Set up a Python environment with Conda

Using a Python virtual environment such as Conda is one way to get a version of Python that will work reliably with Mojo. It comes with the required dynamic library, and ensures there are no conflicts with system dependencies.

To set up a virtual environment with Conda:

  1. Install Conda by following the Quick command-line install instructions.

  2. Initialize Conda for all the shells on your path:

    ~/miniconda3/bin/conda init --all

    Or just one at a time:

    ~/miniconda3/bin/conda init zsh
  3. Restart your shell.

  4. Install your desired version of Python and activate the environment:

    conda create -n 3.10 python=3.10
    conda activate 3.10

After setting up the Conda virtual environment, you can install any Python packages you want to use with Mojo, with conda install or pip install. For example:

conda install numpy
pip install pillow

Now whenever you conda activate 3.10, Mojo will be able to find any modules you installed into that environment.

For more information on using Conda with Mojo, see Using Mojo with Python on the Modular Blog.