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Intro to pointers

A pointer is an indirect reference to one or more values stored in memory. The pointer is a value that holds an address to memory, and provides APIs to store and retrieve values to that memory. The value pointed to by a pointer is also known as a pointee.

The Mojo standard library includes several types of pointers, which provide different sets of features. All of these pointer types are generic—they can point to any type of value, and the value type is specified as a parameter. For example, the following code creates an OwnedPointer that points to an Int value:

var ptr: OwnedPointer[Int]
ptr = OwnedPointer(100)
var ptr: OwnedPointer[Int]
ptr = OwnedPointer(100)

The ptr variable has a value of type OwnedPointer[Int]. The pointer points to a value of type Int, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Pointer and pointee

Accessing the memory—to retrieve or update a value—is called dereferencing the pointer. You can dereference a pointer by following the variable name with an empty pair of square brackets:

# Update an initialized value
ptr[] += 10
# Access an initialized value
# Update an initialized value
ptr[] += 10
# Access an initialized value

Pointer terminology

Before we jump into the pointer types, here are a few terms you'll run across. Some of them may already be familiar to you.

  • Safe pointers: are designed to prevent memory errors. Unless you use one of the APIs that are specially designated as unsafe, you can use these pointers without worrying about memory issues like double-free or use-after-free.

  • Nullable pointers: can point to an invalid memory location (typically 0, or a “null pointer”). Safe pointers aren't nullable.

  • Smart pointers: own their pointees, which means that the value they point to may be deallocated when the pointer itself is destroyed. Non-owning pointers may point to values owned elsewhere, or may require some manual management of the value lifecycle.

  • Memory allocation: some pointer types can allocate memory to store their pointees, while other pointers can only point to pre-existing values. Memory allocation can either be implicit (that is, performed automatically when initializing a pointer with a value) or explicit.

  • Uninitialized memory: refers to memory locations that haven't been initialized with a value, which may therefore contain random data. Newly-allocated memory is uninitialized. The safe pointer types don't allow users to access memory that's uninitialized. Unsafe pointers can allocate a block of uninitialized memory locations and then initialize them one at a time. Being able to access uninitialized memory is unsafe by definition.

  • Copyable types: can be copied implicitly (for example, by assigning a value to a variable). Also called implicitly copyable types.

    copied_ptr = ptr
    copied_ptr = ptr

    Explicitly copyable types require the user to request a copy, using a constructor with a keyword argument:

    copied_owned_ptr = OwnedPointer(other=owned_ptr)
    copied_owned_ptr = OwnedPointer(other=owned_ptr)

Pointer types

The Mojo standard library includes several pointer types with different characteristics:

  • Pointer is a safe pointer that points to a single value that it doesn't own.

  • OwnedPointer is a smart pointer that points to a single value, and maintains exclusive ownership of that value.

  • ArcPointer is a reference-counted smart pointer that points to an owned value with ownership potentially shared with other instances of ArcPointer.

  • UnsafePointer points to one or more consecutive memory locations, and can refer to uninitialized memory.

Table 1 summarizes the different types of pointers:

Allocates memoryNoImplicitly 1Implicitly 1Explicitly
Owns pointee(s)NoYesYesNo 2
CopyableYesNo 3YesYes
Can point to uninitialized memoryNoNoNoYes
Can point to multiple values (array-like access)NoNoNoYes
Table 1. Pointer types

1 OwnedPointer and ArcPointer implicitly allocate memory when you initialize the pointer with a value.

2 UnsafePointer provides unsafe methods for initializing and destroying instances of the stored type. The user is responsible for managing the lifecycle of stored values.

3 OwnedPointer is explicitly copyable, but explicitly copying an OwnedPointer copies the stored value into a new OwnedPointer.

The following sections provide more details on each pointer type.


The Pointer type is a safe pointer that points to a initialized value that it doesn't own. Some example use cases for a Pointer include:

  • Storing a reference to a related type. For example, a list's iterator object might hold a Pointer back to the original list.

  • Passing the memory location for a single value to external code via external_call().

  • Where you need an API to return a long-lived reference to a value. (Currently the iterators for standard library collection types like List return pointers.)

You can construct a Pointer using the address_of() static method:

ptr = Pointer.address_of(some_value)
ptr = Pointer.address_of(some_value)

You can also create a Pointer by copying an existing Pointer.

A Pointer carries an origin for the stored value, so Mojo can track the lifetime of the referenced value.


The OwnedPointer type is a smart pointer designed for cases where there is single ownership of the underlying data. An OwnedPointer points to a single item, which is passed in when you initialize the OwnedPointer. The OwnedPointer allocates memory and moves or copies the value into the reserved memory.

o_ptr = OwnedPointer(some_big_struct)
o_ptr = OwnedPointer(some_big_struct)

An owned pointer can hold almost any type of item, but the stored item must be either Movable, Copyable, or ExplicitlyCopyable.

Since an OwnedPointer is designed to enforce single ownership, the pointer itself can be moved, but not copied.

Note: Currently, you can't create an Optional[OwnedPointer[T]] because the Optional type only works with types that are both movable and copyable. This restricts some use cases that would otherwise be a natural fit forOwnedPointer, including self-referential data structures like linked lists and trees. (Until this use case is supported for OwnedPointer, it's possible to useArcPointer where you need a smart pointer that can be Optional.)


An ArcPointer is a reference-counted smart pointer, ideal for shared resources where the last owner for a given value may not be clear. Like an OwnedPointer, it points to a single value, and it allocates memory when you initialize the ArcPointer with a value:

attributesDict = Dict[String, String]()
attributes = ArcPointer(attributesDict)
attributesDict = Dict[String, String]()
attributes = ArcPointer(attributesDict)

Unlike an OwnedPointer, an ArcPointer can be freely copied. All instances of a given ArcPointer share a reference count, which is incremented whenever the ArcPointer is copied and decremented whenever an instance is destroyed. When the reference count reaches zero, the stored value is destroyed and the allocated memory is freed.

You can use ArcPointer to implement safe reference-semantic types. For example, in the following code snippet SharedDict uses an ArcPointer to store a dictionary. Copying an instance of SharedDict only copies the ArcPointer, not the dictionary, which is shared between all of the copies.

from memory import ArcPointer
from collections import Dict

struct SharedDict:
var attributes: ArcPointer[Dict[String, String]]

fn __init__(out self):
attributesDict = Dict[String, String]()
self.attributes = ArcPointer(attributesDict)

fn __copyinit__(out self, other: Self):
self.attributes = other.attributes

def __setitem__(inout self, key: String, value: String):
self.attributes[][key] = value

def __getitem__(self, key: String) -> String:
return self.attributes[].get(key, default="")

def main():
thing1 = SharedDict()
thing2 = thing1
thing1["Flip"] = "Flop"
from memory import ArcPointer
from collections import Dict

struct SharedDict:
var attributes: ArcPointer[Dict[String, String]]

fn __init__(out self):
attributesDict = Dict[String, String]()
self.attributes = ArcPointer(attributesDict)

fn __copyinit__(out self, other: Self):
self.attributes = other.attributes

def __setitem__(inout self, key: String, value: String):
self.attributes[][key] = value

def __getitem__(self, key: String) -> String:
return self.attributes[].get(key, default="")

def main():
thing1 = SharedDict()
thing2 = thing1
thing1["Flip"] = "Flop"

Note: The reference count is stored using an Atomic value to ensure that updates to the reference count are thread-safe. However, Mojo doesn't currently enforce exclusive access across thread boundaries, so it's possible to form race conditions.


UnsafePointer is a low-level pointer that can access a block of contiguous memory locations, which might be uninitialized. It's analogous to a raw pointer in the C and C++ programming languages. UnsafePointer provides unsafe methods for initializing and destroying stored values, as well as for accessing the values once they're initialized.

As the name suggests, UnsafePointer doesn't provide any memory safety guarantees, so you should reserve it for cases when none of the other pointer types will do the job. Here are some use cases where you might want to use an UnsafePointer:

  • Building a high-performance array-like structure, such as List or Tensor. A single UnsafePointer can access many values, and gives you a lot of control over how you allocate, use, and deallocate memory. Being able to access uninitialized memory means that you can preallocate a block of memory, and initialize values incrementally as they are added to the collection.

  • Interacting with external libraries including C++ and Python. You can useUnsafePointer to pass a buffer full of data to or from an external library.

For more information, see Unsafe pointers.

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