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Build custom ops for GPUs

Mojo is our not-so-secret weapon for achieving architecture-independent performance for all types of AI workloads. Previously, only Modular engineers were able to write high-performance parallel processing operations for a MAX Graph using Mojo.

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to write custom operations (custom ops) for MAX graphs using Mojo that can execute efficiently on both CPUs and GPUs. You'll execute a graph with a custom operation and learn to create a matrix addition operation that adds one to each matrix element.

To help you get started, we provide several Custom Operations recipes that you can run with the nightly version of MAX.

Create a virtual environment

Using a virtual environment ensures that you have the MAX and Mojo version that's compatible with this project. We'll use the Magic CLI to create the environment and install the required packages.

  1. If you don't have the magic CLI yet, you can install it on macOS and Ubuntu Linux with this command:

    curl -ssL | bash
    curl -ssL | bash

    Then run the source command that's printed in your terminal.

  2. Create a new project with the custom-ops-introduction recipe:

    magic init max-custom-ops --from modular/max-recipes/custom-ops-introduction && \
    cd max-custom-ops
    magic init max-custom-ops --from modular/max-recipes/custom-ops-introduction && \
    cd max-custom-ops
  3. You can run the custom addition operation example like this:

    magic run add_one
    magic run add_one

    And the following is the expected output:

    Graph result:
    [[1.7736697 1.4688652 1.7971799 1.4553597 1.8967733 1.3691401 1.1297637
    1.7047229 1.1314526 1.3924606]
    # ... shorten for brevity
    Expected result:
    [[1.7736697 1.4688652 1.7971799 1.4553597 1.8967733 1.3691401 1.1297637
    1.7047229 1.1314526 1.3924606]
    # ... shorten for brevity
    Graph result:
    [[1.7736697 1.4688652 1.7971799 1.4553597 1.8967733 1.3691401 1.1297637
    1.7047229 1.1314526 1.3924606]
    # ... shorten for brevity
    Expected result:
    [[1.7736697 1.4688652 1.7971799 1.4553597 1.8967733 1.3691401 1.1297637
    1.7047229 1.1314526 1.3924606]
    # ... shorten for brevity

The exact output will vary based on random initialization of the input tensor. But the graph result and expected result should be the same.

Now that you've seen the code in action, let's dive into the implementation details to understand how this custom addition operation works under the hood.

Define a Mojo custom operation

The MAX Graph API represents models as computational graphs, where each operation describes parallel computations that the MAX Engine optimizes for hardware performance. Within these graphs, nodes can process any number of input tensors, perform computations on the target hardware, and generate one or more output tensors as results.

To illustrate this, open the add_custom.mojo file in the kernels directory. Here, a custom operation called AddOneCustom takes an input tensor, adds one to every element, and returns the result of that computation as a new tensor.

This custom compute node is defined as a Mojo struct:

import compiler
from tensor import OutputTensor, InputTensor, foreach
from runtime.asyncrt import DeviceContextPtr

from utils.index import IndexList

struct AddOne:
fn execute[
target: StringLiteral,
out: OutputTensor,
x: InputTensor[type = out.type, rank = out.rank],
ctx: DeviceContextPtr,
) raises:
import compiler
from tensor import OutputTensor, InputTensor, foreach
from runtime.asyncrt import DeviceContextPtr

from utils.index import IndexList

struct AddOne:
fn execute[
target: StringLiteral,
out: OutputTensor,
x: InputTensor[type = out.type, rank = out.rank],
ctx: DeviceContextPtr,
) raises:

The @compiler.register() decorator is used to register the custom operation with the name add_one and specify that it produces one output.

Mojo's Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) types and compile-time parameters enable hardware-agnostic parallel processing.

Inputs and outputs take the form of InputTensor and OutputTensor, respectively. These are both specialized versions of the ManagedTensorSlice, type, which represents a tensor of a specific rank and datatype whose memory is managed outside of the operation. Elements are read from the input tensors and written directly into the output tensors. Any output tensors must come first in the operation signature.

The core computation, adding one to each element in the tensor, happens in the add_one() function:

fn elementwise_add_one[
width: Int
](idx: IndexList[x.rank]) -> SIMD[x.type, width]:
return x.load[width](idx) + 1

foreach[elementwise_add_one, target=target](out, ctx)
fn elementwise_add_one[
width: Int
](idx: IndexList[x.rank]) -> SIMD[x.type, width]:
return x.load[width](idx) + 1

foreach[elementwise_add_one, target=target](out, ctx)

The foreach() function distributes an elementwise computation in parallel across all elements in the output tensor. This method is optimized for specific hardware platforms, optimally distributing parallel workloads to make the most efficient use of computational resources.

A library of these custom operations can be defined in Mojo and compiled into a reusable package with the extension .mojopkg. This compiled library of custom ops can then be used by the graph compiler when defining a MAX Graph.

Add the custom operation to a graph

The MAX Graph API contains a series of pre-defined operations written by Modular that have highly optimized implementations. In addition to those APIs, the custom() function allows you to specify custom user-defined Mojo operations.

To use a Mojo custom operation with GPU acceleration, specify the custom ops in your MAX graph. The example demonstrates building a computational graph in Python:

import os
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
from max.driver import CPU, Accelerator, Tensor, accelerator_count
from max.dtype import DType
from max.engine import InferenceSession
from max.graph import Graph, TensorType, ops

if __name__ == "__main__":

path = Path(__file__).parent / "operations.mojopkg"

rows = 5
columns = 10
dtype = DType.float32

# Configure our simple one-operation graph.
graph = Graph(
forward=lambda x: ops.custom(
out_types=[TensorType(dtype=x.dtype, shape=x.tensor.shape)],
TensorType(dtype, shape=[rows, columns]),
import os
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
from max.driver import CPU, Accelerator, Tensor, accelerator_count
from max.dtype import DType
from max.engine import InferenceSession
from max.graph import Graph, TensorType, ops

if __name__ == "__main__":

path = Path(__file__).parent / "operations.mojopkg"

rows = 5
columns = 10
dtype = DType.float32

# Configure our simple one-operation graph.
graph = Graph(
forward=lambda x: ops.custom(
out_types=[TensorType(dtype=x.dtype, shape=x.tensor.shape)],
TensorType(dtype, shape=[rows, columns]),

The Graph() takes an input tensor with five rows and ten columns, runs the custom add_one operation on it, and returns the result. The custom operation is specified using the ops.custom() function, which requires the operation name, input values, and output tensor types.

Because MAX works across a range of hardware architectures, this same code can be run on a GPU if it is available, or a local CPU if not. For example:

device = CPU() if accelerator_count() == 0 else Accelerator()
device = CPU() if accelerator_count() == 0 else Accelerator()

Using the InferenceSession() class, this graph is placed on whatever device we've selected:

session = InferenceSession(
session = InferenceSession(

This configures the inference session to run on the detected compute type.

After which MAX Engine can compile it to optimize for the target hardware:

model = session.load(graph)
model = session.load(graph)

Memory management between host CPUs and accelerator devices is handled through the MAX Driver API. This interface gives you precise control over memory transfers, allowing you to optimize performance by explicitly managing these potentially expensive operations. The API's Tensor class is designed for seamless integration with common Python frameworks - it offers zero-copy interoperability with both NumPy arrays and PyTorch tensors. Here's how we can leverage this to create a MAX Tensor from random data:

x_array = np.random.uniform(size=(rows, columns)).astype(np.float32)
x = Tensor.from_numpy(x_array)
x_array = np.random.uniform(size=(rows, columns)).astype(np.float32)
x = Tensor.from_numpy(x_array)

This Tensor is resident on the host and needs to be moved to the accelerator to be ready for use with the MAX Graph on that device. Note that if the device is the host CPU, this is a no-op:

x =
x =

This Tensor can now be run through our compiled graph, and a device-resident tensor is the result:

result = model.execute(x)[0]
result = model.execute(x)[0]

To examine the results, this Tensor can be moved back to the host:

result =
result =

Then you can convert it back to a NumPy array:


For a more advanced example, be sure to check out how we compute the Mandelbrot set using the ComplexSIMD data type and a vectorized implementation of the fractal computation.

As a final note, the programming interface described above is being provided as a preview, and some elements will change as we continue to improve GPU programming with Mojo.

More to come

Mojo is an incredible language for programming accelerators: Python-like high-level syntax, systems language performance, and unique language features designed for modern heterogeneous computation. We're tremendously excited to be able to show off how it enables MAX to drive forward the state-of-the-art when running AI workloads and more on GPUs. Adding custom ops to a graph is our first introduction to how you can program GPUs with Mojo. These are early examples, and we will be rolling out more API documentation and examples. To stay up to date with new releases, sign up for our newsletter, check out the community, and join our forum.

The nightly branch of the open-source MAX repository contains everything needed to run the examples above on an Ampere- or Lovelace-class NVIDIA GPU (more to come!), as well as on a local CPU. Give them a try today to start experimenting with programming GPUs in Mojo!

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