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Create a custom op in MAX Graph

The MAX Graph API includes growing list of operations in the graph.ops package that you can add to your graph. However, this library might be missing an op that you need, or perhaps you want to write your own implementation for an existing op. As we'll show you on this page, that's no problem, because you can write your own ops in Mojo and add easily add them to a graph you built with MAX Graph.

When you write a custom op in Mojo, the MAX Engine compiler treats it the same as all the other ops (”kernels”) that we’ve built into MAX Engine—the compiler will analyze and optimize the op to achieve the best performance—your custom op is not treated as an external library.

Before you begin, be sure you install the latest version of MAX.

Not using the Graph API?

If you're loading an external model, instead see how to create a custom op for any model.

Implement the custom op

To create a custom op, write a Mojo function that operates on Tensor values: it must take a Tensor argument for each op input and return a Tensor as the op output.

You must also register your function as an op by adding the register.op() decorator with the name of your op. (This name must match the custom op name you’ll later add to the Graph.)

For example, here’s a custom implementation of the GELU op:

from max.extensibility import Tensor, empty_tensor
from max import register
from math import erf, sqrt

fn gelu[type: DType, rank: Int](x: Tensor[type, rank]) -> Tensor[type, rank]:
var output = empty_tensor[type](x.shape)

fn func[width: Int](i: StaticIntTuple[rank]) -> SIMD[type, width]:
var tmp = x.simd_load[width](i)
return tmp / 2 * (1 + erf(tmp / sqrt(2)))

print("Hello, custom GELU!")
return output^

The custom op must be in a module separate from where you implement your Graph.

Package the custom op

To package your custom op, you need a directory that includes the above Mojo code, plus an empty __init__.mojo file. Then, pass the directory name to the mojo package command.

For example, let’s say you create a directory named custom_ops with the two Mojo files:

├── __init__.mojo
└── gelu.mojo

Then, you can package it like this:

mojo package custom_ops

This creates a file called custom_ops.mojopkg in the current directory.

Next, you simply add the op to your graph.

Build a graph with the custom op

Now you can add your custom op to a Graph using ops.custom().

The ops.custom() function needs your custom op name as a parameter (the name you declared in the @register.op() decorator) and two arguments: The op’s input (the same as any other op you add to a graph) and the op’s output type.

The output type (out_type arg) will almost always be TensorType but it might also be ListType. You must specify this type so the compiler knows what kind of data and shape to expect as output from your op.

For example, the following code builds a graph using the custom GELU op, taking the result from a matmul operation. To specify the output type, we know that GELU will output the same type and shape as its input, so we just use the matmul type as the out_type:

from max.graph import Graph, TensorType, ops

def construct_graph() -> Graph:
graph = Graph(TensorType(DType.float32, 2, 6))

matmul_constant_value = Tensor[DType.float32](TensorShape(6, 1), 0.15)
matmul_constant = graph.constant(matmul_constant_value)

matmul = graph[0] @ matmul_constant
gelu = ops.custom["my_gelu"](matmul, matmul.type())
softmax = ops.softmax(gelu)
return graph

That's it for adding a custom op. Now let's load the graph and run it.

Execute the graph with your custom op

Notice that when we call load(), we now include the custom_ops_path:

from max.engine import InferenceSession
from max.graph import Graph, TensorType, ops
from tensor import Tensor, TensorShape, randn
from pathlib import Path

# This is the same function from above
def construct_graph() -> Graph:
graph = Graph(TensorType(DType.float32, 2, 6))

matmul_constant_value = Tensor[DType.float32](TensorShape(6, 1), 0.15)
matmul_constant = graph.constant(matmul_constant_value)

matmul = graph[0] @ matmul_constant
gelu = ops.custom["my_gelu"](matmul, matmul.type())
softmax = ops.softmax(gelu)
return graph

def main():
# Load the graph with custom ops package
session = InferenceSession()
model = session.load(

# Create some sample input to run through the model:
input = randn[DType.float32]((2, 6))
results = model.execute("input0", input)
output = results.get[DType.float32]("output0")

That’s it! You can then execute it like this:

mojo max-graph.mojo
Hello, custom GELU!
[1.0]], dtype=float32, shape=2x1)

You can find the related code in our GitHub repo, under examples/extensibility.