Python module
HF Token Generation Pipeline
class max.pipelines.pipeline.ModelOutputs(next_token_logits: 'Tensor', logits: 'Tensor | None' = None)
Logits for the entire token sequence.
next_token_logits*: Tensor*
Logits for just the next token.
class max.pipelines.pipeline.PipelineModel(pipeline_config: PipelineConfig, session: InferenceSession)
A pipeline model with setup, input preparation and execution methods.
compute_log_probabilities(model_inputs: Sequence[Tensor], model_outputs: ModelOutputs, next_tokens: Tensor, batch_top_n: list[int], batch_echo: list[bool]) → list[max.pipelines.response.LogProbabilities | None] | None
Optional method that can be overridden to compute log probabilities.
- model_inputs – Inputs to the model returned by prepare_*_token_inputs().
- model_outputs – Outputs returned by execute().
- next_tokens – Sampled tokens. Should have shape=[batch size]
- batch_top_n – Number of top log probabilities to return per input in the batch. For any element where top_n == 0, the LogProbabilities is skipped.
- batch_echo – Whether to include input tokens in the returned log probabilities.
List of log probabilities.
abstract estimate_kv_cache_size() → int
Estimates the size of the kv cache in bytes.
abstract execute(*model_inputs: Tensor) → ModelOutputs
Runs the graph.
abstract load_kv_manager(session: InferenceSession) → KVCacheManager
Provided a PipelineConfig and InferenceSession, load the kv manager.
abstract load_model(session: InferenceSession) → Model
Provided a PipelineConfig and InferenceSession, build and load the model graph.
abstract prepare_initial_token_inputs(context_batch: Sequence[T]) → tuple[max.driver.tensor.Tensor, ...]
Prepares the initial inputs to be passed to .execute().
The inputs and functionality of this method can vary per model. For example, the model inputs could include:
- Encoded tensors
- A unique IDs for each tensor if this model uses a KV Cache manager.
This function would batch the encoded tensors, claim a slot in the kv cache if the ID hasn’t been seen before, and return the inputs and caches as a list of tensors.
abstract prepare_next_token_inputs(next_tokens: Tensor, prev_model_inputs: tuple[max.driver.tensor.Tensor, ...]) → tuple[max.driver.tensor.Tensor, ...]
Prepares the secondary inputs to be passed to .execute().
While prepare_initial_token_inputs is responsible for managing the initial inputs. This function is responsible for updating the inputs, for each step in a multi-step execution pattern.
class max.pipelines.pipeline.TextGenerationPipeline(pipeline_config: PipelineConfig, pipeline_model: Type[PipelineModel], eos_token_id: int)
Generalized token generator pipeline.
next_token(batch: dict[str, T], num_steps: int = 1) → list[dict[str, Any]]
Provided a batch, process batch inputs, execute the graph for num_steps in a multi-step scenario, then decode the tokens holistically and return the list of decoded tokens.
release(context: T) → None
Mark the context as complete, releasing the cache slot from the KV manager.
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