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Mojo function


foreach[type: DType, rank: Int, //, func: fn[Int](Index[$1|1]) capturing -> SIMD[$1|0, $0], *, target: StringLiteral = "cpu", simd_width: Int = get_kernel_simd_width[::DType,::StringLiteral](), _synchronous: Bool = False, _trace_name: StringLiteral = "mogg.for_each"](tensor: ManagedTensorSlice[io_spec, static_spec=static_spec], ctx: DeviceContextPtr)

Apply the function func to each element of the tensor slice.


  • type (DType): The data type of the elements in the tensor slice.
  • rank (Int): The rank of the tensor slice.
  • func (fn[Int](Index[$1|1]) capturing -> SIMD[$1|0, $0]): The function to apply to each element of the tensor slice.
  • target (StringLiteral): A StringLiteral indicating the type of the target device (e.g. "cpu", "gpu").
  • simd_width (Int): The SIMD width for the target (usually leave this as its default value).
  • _synchronous (Bool): True to run the custom op synchronously in the runtime (defaults to False).
  • _trace_name (StringLiteral): Name of the executed operation displayed in the trace_description.


  • tensor (ManagedTensorSlice[io_spec, static_spec=static_spec]): The output tensor slice which receives the return values from func.
  • ctx (DeviceContextPtr): The call context (forward this from the custom operation).