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Mojo struct


Represents a logical instance of a device, for eg: CPU. This can be used to allocate and manage memory in a device's address space, and to compile and execute models and graphs on a device.

Implemented traits​

AnyType, CollectionElement, Copyable, Movable, Stringable



__init__(inout self: Self)

Constructs a default initialized Device in a state that is only valid for deletion. Can be used to represent a 'moved from' state.

Use cpu_device() or cuda_device() to create a CPU or GPU Device.


__copyinit__(inout self: Self, existing: Self)

Create a copy of the Device (bumping a refcount on the underlying Device).


  • ​existing (Self): Instance from which to copy.


__moveinit__(inout self: Self, owned existing: Self)

Create a new Device and consume existing.


  • ​existing (Self): Instance from which to move from.


__del__(owned self: Self)

Destroys the device.

Note that any DeviceBuffer allocated on the Device will contain a reference to the Device, and the Device will only be de-allocated when all of its DeviceBuffers have also been destroyed.


__eq__(self: Self, other: Self) -> Bool

Check if self and other point to the same underlying Device.


  • ​other (Self): Instance to compare against.


allocate(self: Self, spec: TensorSpec, name: Optional[String] = #kgen.none) -> DeviceTensor

Creates tensor allocated in the Device's address space.


  • ​spec (TensorSpec): TensorSpec descripting the shape and type of the tensor to allocate.
  • ​name (Optional[String]): An optional name for the DeviceTensor.

allocate(self: Self, bytecount: Int, name: Optional[String] = #kgen.none) -> DeviceMemory

Allocates a DeviceMemory object in the Device's address space.


  • ​bytecount (Int): The size of the memory to allocate in bytes.
  • ​name (Optional[String]): An optional name for the DeviceMemory.


A DeviceMemory object allocated in the Device's address space.


__str__(self: Self) -> String

Returns a descriptor of the device.


String representation of device.

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